
E.g., 2025-01
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Oklahoma Appellate Court Extends Stay of Execution of Mexican On September 10, 2001, the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals issued an order extending indefinitely a 30-day stay issued by Oklahoma Governor Frank A. Keating who delayed Mexican national Valdez’s... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Mexico Human Rights, Capital Punishment
European Court of Human Rights Hears First Case Brought By Individual Russian On September 18, 2001, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg heard the first of many cases brought against the Russian Government by a Russian individual. Valery Kalashnikov, head of the... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 Russia Human Rights, International Courts
U.S. Congress Hearings Advance U.S. International Money Laundering Efforts On September 26, 2001, the Senate Banking Committee held a hearing on anti-money laundering and funding terrorist activities. Senator Paul Sarbanes, (D-Md.) and chair of the Committee, chaired the... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States Money Laundering, Terrorism
U.S. Initiates Sanctions against bin Laden and Associates On September 24, 2001, President George W. Bush issued an executive order that immediately freezes U.S. financial assets of and prohibits U.S. transactions with 27 different entities. They include... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Europe, United Kingdom Economic Sanctions, Terrorism, European Union
U.S. Issues 2001 Money Laundering Strategy Report On September 19, 2001, the U.S. Department of Treasury issued its 2001 Money Laundering Strategy Report, which contains a number of initiatives that will have direct and indirect implications for... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Colombia Money Laundering, International Organizations
Request to Release Milosevic Refused In a judgement of August 31, 2001, the President of the District Court of The Hague, The Netherlands, declared himself incompetent to consider the request to be released, lodged by Slobodan Milosevic... André Klip 17 11 2001-11-01 Balkans War Crimes, International Courts
Canada Issues Anti-Money Laundering Regulations On September 12, 2001, the Canadian Department of Finance issued final regulations under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act, emphasizing the requirement to identify and report suspicious... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 Canada, United States Money Laundering
Greece Finally Starts to Review Accounts Connected to Milosevic September 18, 2001, the media reported the Greek Government, specifically its Ministry of Justice, has begun to examine more than 250 accounts held at banks in Athens by companies connected to the... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 Balkans, Greece Human Rights, International Courts, Asset Forfeiture
Colombia Extradites Ochoa to the U.S. On September 7, 2001, Colombia extradited Fabio Ochoa, a member of the notorious family of three brothers who were among the leaders of the Medillin cartel that became fabulously rich in the 1980s... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Colombia Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime
ICTY Developments The article traces recent developments, including; Dusko Sikirica and Damir Dosen pleaded guilty of violations of persons in the Keraterm camp, Serbian investigators exhumed 269 bodies in the largest... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 Balkans Human Rights, War Crimes, Genocide, International Courts
Mexico Arrests National Suspected of Murder in the U.S. On September 26, 2001, the media reported that Mexican law enforcement authorities have arrested Juan Manuel Casillas, 22, in Mexico City, on suspicion of killing two of his cousins in 1999.... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Mexico Extradition, Human Rights, Capital Punishment
Peruvian Court Issues International Arrest Warrant for Ex-President Fujimori On September 13, 2001, Judge Juis Locaros of the Supreme Court of Peru issued an international arrest warrant for ex-president Alberto Fujimori concerning charges he was responsible for ordering and... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 Peru, Japan Extradition, Immunity
Austria Denies Extradition to U.S. Due To Human Rights Considerations On September 11, 2001, the Vienna Regional Court of Appeal denied the extradition request of the U.S. of December 18, 2001, relating to Sholam Weiss, a New York businessman sentenced in absentia to... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Austria Extradition, White Collar Crime
EU Initiates New Counter-terrorism Cooperation On September 20, 20001, in its Justice and Home Affairs Meeting an d at the extraordinary European Council meeting on September 21, 2001, the European Union has initiated a number of important... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Europe Terrorism, European Union
U.S. Investigative Requests Produces Wave of Joint Investigations, Arrests, and Other Bilateral Responses In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorism incidents in the U.S., many countries, especially in Europe, started joint investigations with U.S. law enforcement and made arrests, many of which have... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Europe Extradition, Terrorism, Mutual Legal Assistance
The United Nations Acts to Combat Terrorism In the aftermath of the terrorist incidents of September 11, 2001, several international organizations, including the United Nations, have acted against international terrorism. The article... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States Terrorism, United Nations
Costa Rica Arrests On Behalf of U.S. Persons Accused of Internet Securities Fraud On September 7, 2001, U.S. law enforcement officials announced they had shut down an Internet “investment club” that has defrauded more than $50 million from investors around the world during the... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Costa Rica Cybercrime, Extradition, Securities Law
EU Makes Recommendations on Improving Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters On August 1, 2001, the European Union made a final report on the first evaluation exercise on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 Europe European Union, Mutual Legal Assistance
Einhorn Requests New Trial After Extradition by France On September 12, 2001, Ira Einhorn, who the French extradited in response to an extradition request in connection with the murder of his former lover and housemate, Holly Maddux, requested a new... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, France Extradition, Human Rights
Nixon Administration Officials Sued in Chile and U.S. for Atrocities in Operator Candor Two suits with similar charges against Nixon Administration officials, including Henry Kisser, were filed on September 10, 2001 in the U.S. District Court and the following day in Chile. The family... Bruce Zagaris 17 11 2001-11-01 United States, Chile Human Rights, Immunity