
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
EU Anti-Money Laundering Reconciliation Procedure Progresses The compromise would exempt lawyers form reporting money laundering activities when they provide criminal defense services to a client charged with a crime. Lawyers would be required to report... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-12-01 United States, Europe Money Laundering, European Union
ICJ Hears German Suit Against U.S. for Executions and Violations of Consular Rights On November 13, 2000, the International Court of Justice held a hearing on the German suit against the United States, claiming the U.S. had violated international agreements by failing to accord two... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-09-01 United States, Germany War Crimes, Capital Punishment
U.S. Enacts Act to Protect Victims from International Trafficking of Women and Children On October 28, 2000, President Clinton signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 that provides for protection to victims of international trafficking, strengthens criminal penalties... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 World Human Trafficking
ICC Prep Com Shows Progress Despite U.S. Hesitation The Preparatory Conference for the International Criminal Court is making good progress despite continued efforts by the U.S. Government which insists on an exemption for its troops amid... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 World, United States International Courts
Book Review: International Criminal Law. A Collection of International and European Instruments Christine van den Wyngaert (ed.) & Guy Stessens and Ignace van Daele There can be no doubt that international criminal law has developed more rapidly than any other branch of international law in the past decade. The creation of ad hoc international criminal tribunals... John Dugard 17 1 2001-01-01 World International Organizations, European Union, International Courts
Britain Announces Revision of Financial Advisory Against Antigua On November 21, 2000, the British Government announced that it has cautiously advised that Antigua and Barbuda now appears to have improved its anti-money laundering regime and hence is less a... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 United Kingdom, Antigua & Barbuda Money Laundering
Security Council to Expand Role of Women in Peace and Security Operations On October 31, 2000 the Security Council of the United Nations adopted Resolution 1325 (2000) calling for an broadened role for women in the decision-making process of peace-building, the resolution... Sashi Selvendran 17 1 2001-01-01 World United Nations
EU Council Initiates Arrangements for Exchange of Information between FIUs On October 17, 2000, the Council of the European Union issued a decision concerning arrangements for cooperation between financial intelligence units of the EU members in respect of exchanging... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 Europe Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, European Union
British Troops Arrest War Crimes Suspect On June 7, 1999, British troops in Bosnian arrested Drag Kulundzija, a former shift commander at the Keraterm concentration camp near Prijedor. According to George Robertson, the UK defense... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 United Kingdom, Balkans War Crimes
Dutch-Registered Bank Implicated in Suharto Money Laundering Scam According to the information provided by the Dutch media group NCRV on 6 November 2000, the Dutch-registered Indover Bank has been implicated in transactions, resulting in the loss of large sums of... Timur Sinuraya 17 1 2001-01-01 Netherlands, Indonesia Money Laundering, Corruption
U.N. Prosecutors Issue War Crime Indictments Against 11 in East Timor On December 11, 2000, U.N. prosecutors in East Timor handed down the first war crime indictments relating to the violence that occurred in the aftermath of its residents voting for independence from... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 Indonesia United Nations, War Crimes
International Cooperation Breaks Up Ecstasy Syndicate On November 22, 2000, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that wide-ranging multi-governmental cooperation had helped dismantle a MDMA (ecstasy) ring, including the arrest of the leaders. On... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 United States, Europe Drugs & Trafficking
U.S. Customs Creates Art Recovery Unit and Returns Stolen Art to Germany On December 5, 20000, Raymond W. Kelly, Customs Commissioner, announced the creation of the Customs Service seven-member Art Recovery Team on the occasion of the return to Germany of a rare 16th... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 United States, Germany Art and Cultural Property
Belgian Police Raid Belgian and Foreign Banks on Tax Fraud Probe On November 15, 2000, Belgian police searched the head offices of at least five Belgian and foreign banks in a continuing investigation of tax crimes. According to the Brussels public prosecutor’s... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 Belgium Taxation
Implementation in France of the OECD Convention on Combatting Bribery of Foreign Public Officials The convention on combatting bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions signed on 17 December 1997 (the "OECD Convention") is now implemented in France. The law... Stephane Bonifassi 17 1 2001-01-01 France Corruption, Bribery
OECD Releases MOU on Harmful Tax Practices On November 23, 2000, the Commonwealth Secretariat announced that high-level multilateral talks on harmful taxation practices are to be held in Barbados on January 9 to 10, 2001. The announcement... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 World Taxation
OECD Members Agree to Prevent Bribery in Export-Credit Transactions On December 6, 2000, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Export Credit Group, a group of 28 countries that manages a “Gentleman’s Agreement” among countries covering the... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 World Corruption
Cuba and Venezuela Request Extradition of 4 Persons Arrested in Panama of Anti-Castro Plot Cuba and Venezuela have requested the extradition of four men arrested on November 17, 2000 in Panama for an anti-Castro plot. On November 18, 2000, the Cuban Government formally asked Panama to... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 Venezuela, Cuba, Panama Extradition, Terrorism
Canada Contemplates Deportation of Alleged Smuggler to PRC During the third week of November, 2000, the Canadian police arrested Lai Changxing outside a casino hotel in Niagara Falls and thereafter his wife, and has initiated deportation proceedings against... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 Canada, China Extradition
Germany Affirms Frankel German Conviction and His Extradition to the U.S. On December 1, 2000, the German appellate court dealt a stinging defeat to high-rolling financier Martin R. Frankel, affirming his convictions in Germany and the US. extradition request on multiple... Bruce Zagaris 17 1 2001-01-01 United States, Germany Extradition, Fraud
