
E.g., 2025-01
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Financial Stability Forum Publishes Ranking of Offshore Financial Centers (IIIA) On April 5, 2000, the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) published a list ranking 25 leading offshore financial centers (OFCs) according to their levels of compliance with international standards of... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 World Securities Law
Yugoslav War Crimes Prosecutor Rejects Petitions to Investigate NATO’s Conduct (XID) On June 2, 2000, Carla Del Ponte, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), announced that no basis exists for a formal investigation into whether... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 Balkans War Crimes
FSF Report Shows Lack of Hard Law Standards and Enforcement of International Supervisory Standards (IIIB) The publication on April 5, 2000 of the Financial Stability Forum’s Report of the Working Group on Offshore Centers and the subsequent decision to publish the results reflects a trend to try to... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 World Securities Law
Europol Begins Cooperation with Non-EU States and Bodies to Combat Transnational Organized Crime (XIIA) Abstract: Europol is taking multiple steps to initiate cooperation with non-EU states and bodies to combat transnational organized crime. On April 26-27, 2000, Europol organized a first seminar at... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 World, Europe European Union, Organized Crime
Ne Bis In Idem In A European Context (IVA) The ne bis in idem principle is well established in the law of most European countries. Domestic law provides that a person shall not be prosecuted nor punished for an act, for which he has already... Dr. jur. Ilias G. Anagnostopoulos 16 7 2000-07-01 Europe Administration of Justice, Extradition
U.S. Suspends Aid to Dominican Republic Over Extradition and Human Rights Issues (IVB) As the Dominican Republic Government changes, international criminal cooperation with the United States has taken a turn for the worse. In April 2000, the U.S. Congress froze foreign aid over an... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 United States, Dominican Republic Extradition, Human Rights
U.S. and Dominican Policewoman Lure Narcotics Fugitive (IVC) On May 27, 2000, more than one year after he skipped bond, Moises Silveira Fornaris, 43, was lured from his home with the help of a Dominican policewoman, arrested, and returned to South Florida,... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 United States, Dominican Republic Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking
Brazil Arrests Gen Oviedo on Murder Charges in Paraguay (IVD) On June 11, 2000, Brazilian law enforcement authorities arrested Paraguayan General Lino César Oviedo in Foz do Iguaça, close to the Paraguayan border on extradition requests by Paraguay in... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 Brazil, Paraguay Extradition
U.S. Indicts Spanish National and Former G.M. Executive for Taking Secrets to Volkswagen (VA) On May 21, 2000, a federal grand jury in Detroit returned a six-count indictment, accusing José Ignacio López de Arriortúa, a former General Motors vice president for world purchasing, of industrial... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 United States, Spain Fraud
Efforts to Achieve Progress on Transnational Corruption Continues (VIA) Several developments to ratify multilateral conventions and prosecute transnational bribery cases indicate steady progress on transnational corruption continues. Already 20 countries have ratified... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 World Corruption
British Columbia Enforces SEC Disgorgement Order (VIIA) On March 29, 2000, the Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled that Canada would enforce a disgorgement order issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in a Securities... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 Canada, United States Securities Law
Chilean Appeals Court Strips Pinochet of Immunity (VIIIA) On May 22, 2000, the Court of Appeals for Chile by a 13-9 decision voted to remove the immunity of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, thereby facilitating a possible trial for human rights violations. The... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 Chile Human Rights, Immunity
Argentina Requests Cooperation from Chile on 1974 Assassination of Chilean Army Chief and the U.S. Gains More Evidence on Potential Pinochet Prosecution (VIIIB) An Argentine judge has requested assistance from Chile regarding the 1974 assassination in Buenos Aires of former Chilean army chief Carlos Prats as foreign prosecutors and investigating magistrates... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 United States, Chile, Argentina Human Rights
U.S. Court Upholds Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Money Laundering Law (IA) On November 30, 1999, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York applied U.S. money laundering laws extraterritorially, marking the second reported decision applying such laws... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 United States Money Laundering
Prep Com To Finish Work on Procedure and Elements of Crime While Status of U.S. to the Court Undecided (IXA) Abstract: From June 12-30, 2000, the Preparatory Commission on the Permanent International Criminal Court (ICC) will consider and try to finish work on the Rules of Procedure and Evidence and the... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 World, United States International Courts
European Council Prioritizes Extension of Anti-Laundering Directive (IB) During the 2268th meeting of the Council of ministers of finance of the European Community (ECOFIN) in Luxembourg on June 5, 2000, the Council took note of a report by the Council Presidency on the... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 Europe Money Laundering
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council Makes Progress On a Wide Front (XA) On May 29, 2000, the European Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) concluded its 2266th Council meeting and took action on a number of important criminal cooperation initiatives, including harmonization of... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 World International Organizations, Mutual Legal Assistance
Swiss Charges Eldest Son of Former Nigerian Leader with Money Laundering and Belonging to a Criminal Organization (IC) On June 7, 2000, the media revealed that the Swiss Government has charged Mohammed Abacha, the eldest surviving son of the late Nigerian dictator, General Sani Abacha, with money laundering and... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 Switzerland, Nigeria Money Laundering, Fraud
Cambodia and UN Agree to Establish International Criminal Court (XIA) On May 24, 2000, United Nations (U.N.) officials announced that Cambodia and the U.N. reached an agreement to establish an international court to try former leaders of the Khmer Rouge, the guerrilla... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 Cambodia Law of War, United Nations
President Clinton Issues 1st List of Alleged Drug Kings under New Law (IIA) On June 1, 2000, President Clinton identified twelve foreign persons as significant foreign narcotics traffickers pursuant to the Foreign narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. The list contained no... Bruce Zagaris 16 7 2000-07-01 World, United States, Mexico Drugs & Trafficking
