
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Cuba and U.S. Agree on Deportation of Cuban Inmates from U.S. After Kidnapping On December 19, 1999, U.S. officials ended a hostage standoff at a detention facility in St. Martinville, Louisiana after it reached an agreement with the Cuban Government that allowed the U.S. to... Bruce Zagaris 16 2 2000-02-01 Cuba Deportation
Discovery of Stowaways Continue amid Promise of Better Enforcement by Hong Kong On January 10, 2000, officials in Seattle found a container on the giant freighter Cape May that housed 18 men, only 15 of which survived the trip from Hong Kong. Bruce Zagaris 16 2 2000-02-01 Hong Kong Smuggle
Australian Court Orders Malta Representative Office to Produce Bank Documents in Malta In June 1999, the Federal Court of Australia ordered a representative office of a Malta bank in Australia to produce documents and give information in connection with a money laundering investigation... Bruce Zagaris 16 2 2000-02-01 Australia Money Laundering
Arrest of 10 Young Chinese Girls on U.S.-Canada Borders Points to Growing Use of Native Border Ring for Smuggling On January 5, 2000, Canadian police arrested ten young Chinese women who were being smuggled into the U.S. by a growing group that operate from a native reserve on the Canadian-U.S. border. Bruce Zagaris 16 2 2000-02-01 Canada Smuggle
