
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
EU Holds Informal Justice & Home Affairs Council Meeting On July 28 and 29, 2000, the European Union held an informal Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Marseille, France. Mrs. Elisabeth Guigou, the French Minister of Justice, presented the three... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2001-10-01 Europe, France European Union, Mutual Legal Assistance, Organized Crime
Antigua Deports to U.S. Internet Sports Manager After Suspicious Transaction Report On August 19, 2000, the Antiguan Prime Minister’s Office announced the deportation of Robert Eremain to Puerto Rico after a suspicious transaction report triggered investigations that revealed Mr.... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 Caribbean, St. Kitts & Nevis Money Laundering, Extradition
U.S. Appellate Court Affirms Denial of Appeal from Extradition, But Holds Executive’s Decision on Torture Defense is Reviewable On July 11, 2000, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in the case of Ramiro Cornejo-Barreto v. W.H. Seifert, affirmed the district court’s denial of a petition for habeas corpus that the... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States, Mexico Extradition, Human Rights
Haiti Deports Alleged Medillin Cocaine Trafficker to the U.S. On August 8, 2000, the Haitian Government deported to the United States Carlos Botero Asprilla, an alleged major operative in the Medillin, Colombian cocaine cartel that has used Haiti as a staging... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States, Colombia, Haiti Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking
PRC Protests Service and U.S. Suit of Chinese Leader for Tiananmen Atrocities On August 28, 2000, five participants of the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations filed a lawsuit against Li Peng, the chairman of the People Republic of China’s (PRC) National People’s Congress in U... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States, China Human Rights, Jurisdiction
Bahamas Prime Minister Announces Willingness to Conclude Tax Information Exchange Agreement with the U.S. and Other Enforcement Measures On August 16, 2000, in an abrupt change of policy Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert A. Ingraham announced his Government would take a series of steps to respond to the blacklisting of his country on... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States, Bahamas Money Laundering, Taxation
English Court Denies Effort to Review Arrest Warrant for U.S. Extradition of Swedish National for Insider Trading Mr. Norgren, a Swedish national, tried unsuccessfully to block a warrant for his arrest issued by a magistrate in response to a request by the U.S. for his extradition on offenses of “insider trading... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States, United Kingdom, Extradition, National Security
Prosecution of Russian Alcohol Smuggling Results in Conviction of Traditional U.S. Distiller An elaborate Russian organized crime operation to smuggle U.S. grain alcohol into Russia has resulted in a conviction of McCormick Distilling of Weston, Missouri, and has uncovered a massive scheme... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States, Russia Customs Enforcement, Organized Crime
U.N. Security Council Unanimously Adopts Declaration to Strengthen UN Peacekeeping In the Wake of New of the Murder of 3 UN Workers in Western Timor On September 7, 2000, the Security Council, after an extended debate in which 9 presidents, 5 prime ministers and 1 foreign minister participated, unanimously adopted a Declaration to ensure an... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 World, Indonesia International Organizations, United Nations
US House Majority Leader Opposes US Support of OECD Harmful Tax Initiative On September 7, 2000, Congressman Dick Armey (R.-Tex.) and Chairman, House Ways & Means Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, sent a strong letter to Lawrence Summers, U.S. Secretary of... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States Taxation
Panel Recommends UN Reforms to and Expansion of Peacekeeping Department On August 23, 2000 an international expert panel submitted a report to Secretary-General Kofi Annan urging the United Nations (UN) to strengthen and upgrade peacekeeping operations through the growth... Sashi Selvendran and Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 World National Security, United Nations
Australian Court Agrees to Extradite to Indonesia Accused for Bank Crimes On August 29, 2000, Australian Federal Judge affirmed in a 125 page-long opinion the validity and legality of the decision of December 17, 1999, in which the Justice of Peace Court in Melbourne,... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 China, Indonesia, Australia Money Laundering, Extradition
Bomb Kills Croatian Witness Who Was Cooperating with War Crimes Tribunal On August 28, 2000, a bomb detonated in the front of the home of Milan Levar, a former military officer who helped investigators from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 Croatia, Serbia Murder, International Courts
Australian 2d Instance Court Affirms Mexican Financier Cabal Peniche Is Extraditable On August 29, 2000, Australian Federal Judge affirmed in a 125 page-long opinion the validity and legality of the decision of December 17, 1999, in which the Justice of Peace Court in Melbourne,... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 Mexico, Australia Administration of Justice, Extradition
U.N. Security Council Votes to Establish War Crimes Tribunal for Sierra Leone On August 14, 2000, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to pass a resolution, establishing a tribunal to prosecute rebels responsible for killing and maiming tens of thousands of... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United Kingdom, Sierra Leone National Security, United Nations, War Crimes
Colombia Extradites 3rd National to U.S. on Drug Charges On August 18, 2000, the Colombian Government extradited Alberto “The Snail” Orlandez Gamboa, the third national to the U.S. for international narcotics trafficking despite threatened violence against... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States, Colombia Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking
Croatia Arrests for Prosecution Two Nationals Accused of Atrocities against Muslims On September 6, 2000, the media reported Croatian police have arrested two Croatian men accused of participating in a 1993 killing campaign in the Bosnian Muslim village of Ahmici, in central Bosnia... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 Croatia, Serbia Human Rights, War Crimes, Genocide
Die völkerrechtswidrige Entführung und ihre Rechtsfolgen (Cross-border, State-sponsored Abductions of Individuals which are Illegal by International Law Stephan Wilske’s recently published monograph on cross-border state-sponsored abductions of individuals is useful for readers, because every country can be confronted with this phenomenon relating to... Matthias Geiger 16 10 2000-10-01 World Administration of Justice, Human Rights, Kidnaping, Book Review
Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties in Criminal Matters Signed, Approved for Ratification, and/or Entered into Force Country Date Signed Entry into Force Antigua & Barbuda Oct. 31, 1996 July 1, 1999 Australia Apr. 30, 1997 Sep. 30, 1999 Barbados Feb. 28, 1996 Mar. 3, 2000...[more] Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 World, United States Mutual Legal Assistance
Argentina Withdraws International Arrest Warrants for IBM Employees On August 23, 2000, the media reported that an Argentine judge has annulled international arrest warrants issued in 1998 for two United States nationals who are executives for I.B.M. The Argentine... Bruce Zagaris 16 10 2000-10-01 United States, Argentina Administration of Justice, International Courts
