
E.g., 2024-12
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. and Peru Host 17th Annual International Drug Enforcement Conference On February 10, 1999, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) issued the 1998-99 Report on Money Laundering Typologies... [more] Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 World, United States, Peru Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, International Criminal and Comparative Law
Defending U.S. Citizens and Corporations in Cross Border Proceedings, Extradition Mutual Assistance This article provides a practical perspective of the various issues that might apply to U.S. citizens and corporations when they are involved in cross border proceedings, facing extradition, mutual... Francois Serres and Miss Elodie Le Gal 15 6 1999-06-01 France, United States Extradition, Mutual Legal Assistance
U.S. International Narcotics Control Strategy Report Issued On February 26, 1999, the U.S. Department of State released its annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, showing a mixed picture of gains and setbacks in counterdrug policy in 1998.... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, United States Drugs & Trafficking
European Parliamentary Committee Proposes Harmonization Measures On March 8, 1999, the Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs submitted a report on criminal procedures in the European Union (Corpus Juris) that proposes a series of measures to facilitate... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Europe Due Diligence, European Union, Mutual Legal Assistance, Organized Crime, Prisoner Rights, Terrorism
U.S. Closes Anti-Drug Base in Panama and Opens New Missions in Ecuador and Dutch Antilles On May 5, 1999, the U.S. closed its anti-drug trafficking mission in Panama and announced that it would operate missions out of Curacao, Aruba and Ecuador although its overall capabilities would be... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Aruba, Curaçao, Panama, United States, World Drugs & Trafficking
U.S. Gaming Commission Will Recommend Criminalization of Offshore Internet Gaming On April 28, 1999, the U.S. media reported that the National Gambling Impact Study Commission will recommend to criminalize offshore Internet gambling, thereby setting the stage for inevitable... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 United States International Gaming
IRS Criminal Investigation Division Recommends Stronger International Operations On April 13, 1999, a high-level task force headed by former CIA and FBI Director William Webster, issued a report with recommendations on international operations of the Internal Revenue Service’s... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Bolivia, Canada, Mexico, United States Money Laundering, Organized Crime, Taxation
U.S. Requests Israel to Hold Part of Sheinbein Trial in the U.S. On April 19, 1999, the U.S. Government on behalf of Montgomery County, Maryland’s chief prosecutor, Attorney Douglas Gansler, has sent Israeli authorities a letter, requesting that Sheinbein’s trial... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Israel, United States Extradition, Murder
Recent UN Gen. Assembly Measures to Adopt Instruments Combating International Terrorism Over the years, the international legal community has been successful in adopting a considerable number of instruments addressing specific aspects of international terrorism. These instruments can be... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 World Asset Forfeiture, Terrorism, United Nations
Brazil Transfers Chilean Kidnappers to Chile to Complete Sentences On April 24, 1999, the Brazilian Government announced that on that day it would transfer five Chileans convicted in the 1989 kidnaping of a leading Brazilian businessman to Chile to complete their... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile Kidnaping, Mutual Legal Assistance, Transfer of Prisoners
Council of Europe Anti-Corruption Regime Becomes Operational On May 1, 1999, the Council of Europe “Group of States against Corruption” (GRECO), which the Committee of Ministers established on May 5, 1998, became operational...[more] Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Belgium, Europe, World Corruption, European Union
Brazil Arrests Former Central Bank President on International Tax Charges On April 26, 1999, Francisco Lopes, a former president of Brazil’s central bank, was arrested after he refused to sign an affidavit backing his testimony disputing accusations of income tax evasion... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Brazil, Italy, Switzerland Bank Secrecy, Money Laundering, Taxation, White Collar Crime
EU Adopts Joint Position to Support Proposed UN Convention Against Organized Crime On March 29, 1999, the Council of the European Union adopted a joint position to support the proposed United Nations convention against organized crime...[more] Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Europe, World European Union, Money Laundering, Organized Crime, United Nations
The Kosovo Conflict Challenges the Capacity of the International Legal System As the conflict in Kosovo rages, a multitude of issues arise daily concerning the international law of war. Among the major issues are the work of the prosecutor of the International Tribunal for... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Bosnia, Former Yugoslavia, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, World Administration of Justice, European Union, Genocide, Human Rights, International Courts, International Organizations, Jurisdiction, Law of War, United Nations, War Crimes
Accord on Insurers’ Payment to Victims’ Pre-Holocaust Policies On May 6, 1999, several large European insurance companies reached agreement to pay claims on prewar policies of Holocaust victims, using a formula that reflects current values and could result in... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 France, Germany, United Kingdom Art and Cultural Property, European Union, Genocide, Human Rights
France Returns Holocaust Looted Painting to Rosenbergs On April 29, 1999, Catherine Trautmann, the French Minister of Culture, presided over a ceremony to hand-over the 1904 Waterlilies painted by Monet to the heirs of Paul Rosenberg. The painting was... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 France, Germany Art and Cultural Property, European Union, United Nations
U.S. Prepares to Implement the Chemical Weapons Convention On April 22, 1999, Cecil Hunt, Deputy Chief Counsel for Export Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, explained that President Clinton is expected to issue in May an executive order to... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 United States, World Law of War, United Nations
U.S. Congress Reconsiders Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering On April 15 and 20, 1999, the U.S. House of Representatives Banking Committee held hearings on anti-money laundering regulations and the Bank Secrecy Act that have important implications for... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
U.S. Issues Regulations on OAS Convention on Trafficking in Firearms On April 13, 1999, the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration issued an interim rule on the export of firearms in order to implement the Organization of American States (OAS)... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 United States, World Arms Trafficking, Customs Enforcement, Drugs & Trafficking
Swiss Defend Financial Confidentiality Against Tax Enforcement Setting the stage for a growing controversy, the Swiss Government is leading a robust defense against pressure from the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (... Bruce Zagaris 15 6 1999-06-01 Europe, Switzerland Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Taxation, European Union, White Collar Crime
