
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Money Laundering in Switzerland: Analysis and Some Observations Article 305bis includes the obstruction of the confiscation of illicit proceeds as a money laundering offense. In a judgment delivered in September 1993, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court held that a... Konstantinos D Magliveras 15 2 1999-02-01 Switzerland Money Laundering
U.S. Customs Employs Electronic License Plate Readers at Mexican Borders The U.S. Customs Service has started to employ electronic license plate readers at its borders with Mexico in an effort to prevent and detect smuggling and other crimes at its borders... [more] Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United States, Mexico Customs Enforcement
Russia Conducts Criminal Investigation of Central Bank Officials On December 29, 1998, Russian Interior Minister Sergei Stepashin disclosed that Russian law enforcement authorities are investigating Central Bank activities that may have contributed to the mid-... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 Russia Money Laundering, Corruption, Embezzlement
Class Action Holocaust Suit Is Brought Against Chase and J.P. Morgan On December 23, 1998, the media reported the first class action lawsuit brought on behalf of 17 named non-American Holocaust survivors and victims’ relatives against two U.S. banks, Chase Manhattan... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United States, France, Germany Law of War
Cayman Rejects International Criminal Cooperation on Tax Crimes The Cayman Islands have rejected demands by England that it render criminal cooperation to foreign governments investigating tax crimes. The rejection illustrates the growing tension between small... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United Kingdom, Cayman Islands Taxation
French SFOR Troops Kill Serb Suspect Resisting Arrest While Bosnian Serb Denies War Crimes and Milosevic Denies Entry to War Crimes Prosecutor On January 9, 1999, French troops shot and killed Dragan Gagovic, a suspected Bosnian Serb war criminal as he prepared to ram the soldiers with his vehicle at a mountain roadblock established to... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 France, Former Yugoslavia Law of War
PRC Acts to Stop Illegal Fees Imposed on Foreign Investors On January 5, 1999, the official China Daily reported steps to stop the imposition of illegal fees on foreign investors and to strengthen the transparency of its administration... [more] Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 China Taxation
Paraguay and U.S. Agree on Intellectual Property Cooperation On November 17, 1998, U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky announced in a press release that, just in time to avoid the threat of U.S. trade sanctions, Paraguay and the U.S. concluded a... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United States, Paraguay Intellectual Property
U.S. Tobacco Subsidiary Pleads Guilty To Smuggling Cigarettes to Evade Tax On December 22, 1998, Northern Brands, a subsidiary of U.S. tobacco multinational R.J. Reynolds, pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay the U.S. $15 million for its role in a massive smuggling... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 Canada, United States Customs Enforcement, Taxation
U.S. Investigates Potential Wrongdoing in Economic Investor Visas U.S. Government investigators are looking at a Greenbelt, Maryland firm that aggressively marketed opportunities to take advantage of the U.S. economic investment program... [more] Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United States Immigration, Fraud
: IRS Official Warns the U.S. Will Intensify Compliance against Tax Havens and the Offshore On January 14, 1999, in a speech at the 17th annual international tax conference of the Florida Bar Association Tax Section and the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, John Lyons, IRS... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United States Taxation, Fraud
Council of Europe Promulgates Convention on Protection of the Environment Through Criminal Law : On November 16, 1998, seven countries signed the Council of Europe’s Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law, which opened for signature November 4, 1998... [more] Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 Europe Environment
British Law Lords Reject Effort of British National to Fight Extradition to Germany for Fraud In 1997, the House of Lords denied an appeal from the denial of a habeas corpus application by Ismail, a British national, from a extradition request on fraud charges in Germany... [more] Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United Kingdom Extradition
Books ABA 10th Annual Money Laundering Enforcement Seminar (ABA, Nov. 2-3, 1998, 833 pp. International Chamber of Commerce, Guide to the Prevention of Money Laundering (June 1998) ...[more] Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 World Bibliography
Mexico Orders Extradition of Mexican National Amezcua On January 14, 1999, the Mexican Government announced its authorization to extradite a Mexican citizen and alleged drug lord, Jesus Amezcua, to the U.S. where he is charged in federal indictments for... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United States, Mexico Extradition
Mexico Pursues Cabal Peniche and Other Fugitive Bankers On January 11, 1998, hearings were held in a court in Melbourne, Australia concerning the Mexican Government’s extradition request against Carlos Cabal Peniche, who is residing in Melbourne, as... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 Mexico, Australia Money Laundering, Extradition
CARICOM To Approve Witness Protection Program On January 3, 1999, Trinidad & Tobago Attorney General Ramesh Lawrence Mahraj confirmed a December 21, 1998 report of the Trinidad Guardian that four years after initial negotiations a CARICOM... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 Trinidad & Tobago Mutual Legal Assistance
European Commission Contributes to 51 Projects on Police and Customs Cooperation On November 3, 1998, the European Commission announced the selection of 51 new projects for financing under the OISIN program direct at stimulating cooperation between law enforcement authorities in... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 Europe Mutual Legal Assistance, Economic Integration
English Court Gives Effect to U.S. Restraint Order Retrospectively In a case reported in September 1998, an English court has given retrospective effect to a restraint order to enforce an asset forfeiture order of a U.S. court... [more] Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 United States, United Kingdom Asset Forfeiture
OECD and NGOs Cooperate in Anti-Corruption Work While South Center Urges Developing Countries to Resist Inclusion of Bribery in WTO Agenda On January 12, 1999, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced a cooperative effort with Transparency International to broaden efforts to combat transnational and... Bruce Zagaris 15 2 1999-02-01 World Corruption, International Organizations
