
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Financial Action Task Force Releases Annual Report In June 1998, the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) released its annual report for 1997-98. The 1997 report was issued the preceding June. The ninth round of the FATF was... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 World Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, International Organizations
World Bank Continues Internal Measures and Initiates Lawsuits to Recover Alleged Corrupt Payments On July 16, 1998, a media report quoted World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn acknowledging the establishment of a special internal fraud team, the hiring of the accounting firm Price Waterhouse... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 World Corruption, International Organizations, Fraud
U.S. Indicts and Seeks Forfeiture of Antiguan Bank for Loan Scam On May 6, 1998, an indictment filed in the U.S. District Court in Tallahassee, Florida charges the Caribbean American Bank of Antigua and eight individuals with a loan scam that allegedly bilked more... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 United States, Antigua & Barbuda Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Fraud, Asset Forfeiture
U.S. Supreme Court Limits Self-Incrimination Protection to U.S. Prosecutions On June 25, 1998, the U.S. Supreme Court held that an individual’s right against self-incrimination does not apply to fear of prosecution in a foreign criminal case in the context of a criminal... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 United States Human Rights
Offshore Insurers Agree to Study Money Laundering Using Insurance At a meeting held in the Bahamas and attended by representatives from eighteen jurisdictions, the Offshore Group of Insurance has agreed to prepare a study of money laundering using insurance. The... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 World Money Laundering, Cybercrime, International Organizations
Jersey Enacts Law to Supervise Investment Managers and Prevent Crime In June 1998, Jersey enacted the Investment Business (Jersey) Law 1998 to protect investors dealing with Jersey-based companies and strengthen the supervision over service providers... [more] Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 Fraud
UNDCP Publishes Report on Financial Havens, Bank Secrecy and Laundering On May 29, 1998, the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UNDCP) released a report entitled "Financial Havens, Banking Secrecy, and Money Laundering." Written by four... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 World Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, United Nations, Financial Crimes
U.S. Allows Export of U.S. Software to Countries with Acceptable Laundering Laws On July 7, 1998, the Clinton Administration in a speech by William M. Daley, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, announced that it would for the first time permit the export of strong data-scrambling... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 United States Money Laundering, Trade Enforcement
Dutch Extradition Request for Desi Bouterse Fails Twice For the second time within a year the Netherlands requested the extradition of Desi Bouterse on charges of drug trafficking. Bouterse, who is now State Advisor to the president of the Republic of... André Klip 14 8 1998-08-01 Trinidad & Tobago, Brazil, Netherlands Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking
Yugoslav Tribunal Starts First Genocide Trial On July 6, 1998, the International Tribunal for War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia (ITWCFY) opened the trial of Dr. Milan Kovacevic, a Bosnian Serb charged with the crime of genocide. It marks the... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 Former Yugoslavia Law of War, Genocide, International Courts
OAS Approves Plan to Implement Anti-Drug Strategy On May 8, 1998, at its twenty-third regular session, the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission approved an action plan for the implementation of the anti-drug strategy in the hemisphere. This... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 North America, Latin America and South America, Caribbean International Organizations, Drugs & Trafficking
Statute for International Criminal Court Receives Overwhelming Endorsement On July 17, 1997, government representatives voted 120 to 7, with 21 abstentions, in favor of a comprehensive treaty containing a statute to establish an International Criminal Court (ICC). While... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 World International Courts
Two Prominent Lawyers Convicted On July 17 and 20, 1998, a Miami federal jury convicted attorneys Michael Abbell and William Moran of money laundering and racketeering conspiracy in a case that was controversial and has disturbed... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 United States Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, Fraud
AIDP Group Adopts Draft Resolution on International Cooperation and Transnational of Organized Crime During a preparatory colloquium held May 13-17, 1998 in Utrecht, Holland, the Fourth Section of the International Penal Law Association (IPLA also known as AIDP) adopted a draft resolution on “the... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 World Organized Crime, International Criminal and Comparative Law, International Cooperation
EU Considers Proposed Tax Enforcement Directive : On July 2, 1998, the European Commission (EC) proposed a directive to prevent individuals from avoiding taxes by moving, along with their assets, from one European Union member state to another... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 Europe Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
Canada Leads Arrests of Cuntrera-Caruana Operatives On July 15, 1998, after an eighteen month investigation that almost stopped due to lack of resources on occasions, police in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. arrested ten alleged members of the Cuntrera-... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 Canada, United States, Mexico Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime
Bolivian Supreme Court Holds Drug Leader Extraditable to U.S. On July 2, 1998, the European Commission (EC) proposed a directive to prevent individuals from avoiding taxes by moving, along with their assets, from one European Union member state to another... [... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 United States, Bolivia Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking
International Money Laundering On September 21-23, 1998, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will host the International Money Laundering Conference, to be held in Montreal, Canada. The conference will deal mainly with the... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 World Money Laundering, Conferences
Dominican Republic Amends Extradition Law The Dominican Republic legislature has passed an amendment to the 1969 Extradition law that prohibits extradition of its nationals. The new law will permit extradition of persons charged with... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 United States, Dominican Republic Money Laundering, Extradition, Murder, Kidnaping, Drugs & Trafficking
Balancing the Protection of Human Rights with the Needs of Law Enforcement On August 24-28, 1998, the Commonwealth Secretariat is hosting a conference, entitled Balancing the Protection of Human Rights with the Needs of Law Enforcement. The theme will be International... Bruce Zagaris 14 8 1998-08-01 World Human Rights, Conferences, International Cooperation
