
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
British Court Rules Pinochet Has Sovereign Immunity On October 28, 1998, Britain’s High Court ruled that Augusto Pinochet cannot be tried in court for anything he did while he was president of Chile on the basis of sovereign immunity... [more] Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 United Kingdom, Chile Human Rights, Immunity
U.S. Enacts Anti-Money Laundering Act Before adjourning, the U.S. Congress enacted the Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Strategy Act of 1998. The goal of the law is to establish a national strategy to combat money laundering and... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
Conference on War Crimes Trials in the Former Yugoslavia The Humanitarian Law Center, a well recognized NGO of the Former Yugoslavia (FRY), organized a Conference on the war crimes trials and the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former... Dr. Kai Ambos 14 12 1998-12-01 Former Yugoslavia International Organizations, Law of War, War Crimes, Conferences
Proposed U.S. Know Your Customer Rule Will Formalize Internal Control Procedures The proposed “Know Your Customer” regulation contained in the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System’s memorandum dated September 28, 1998 requires banks to develop for the first time their... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
Holocaust Victims Pursue Recoveries Against Companies and Art Looters On November 6, 1998, the World Jewish Congress announced plans to publicize a list of 2,000 persons involved in the Nazi loot of art during World War II. The counsel for alleged victims of slave... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 World Art and Cultural Property, International Organizations, Law of War, War Crimes
China and U.S. Resume Unprecedented Drug Enforcement Cooperation After many years of restrained cooperation, the People’s Republic of China and the U.S. have taken bold new measures to combat international narcotics trafficking. The measures include: the... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 United States, China Intelligence, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation, Drug Enforcement
Security Council Condemns Yugoslav’s Denial of Visas to War Crimes Tribunal’s Investigators On November 17, 1998, the U.N. Security Council called on Yugoslavia to allow the U.N. war crimes tribunal into Kosovo to investigate and prosecute human rights abuses and condemned the Yugoslav... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Former Yugoslavia Law of War, United Nations, War Crimes
U.S. District Court Rejects Defense Challenge to Wire Fraud Laws for Tax Evasion Crimes Involving Smuggling Tobacco and Liquor to Canada On October 4, 1998, in the case United States v. Miller, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York denied motions brought by 21 defendants charged with smuggling tobacco and... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Canada, United States Drugs & Trafficking, Fraud, Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
War Crimes Tribunal Convicts 3 and Acquits 1 of Atrocities On November 16, 1998, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) rendered a decision, convicting two Bosnian Muslims and one Croat of war crimes against Serb civilians in a... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Former Yugoslavia Law of War, War Crimes, International Courts
Philippines Inter-Agency Task Force Targets Foreign Tax Crimes During the week of October 19, 1998, the Philippine Government established an interagency task force composed of ranking officials from the Bureau of Immigration and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Philippines Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
Raúl Salinas Appeals Seizure of $114 Million by Swiss On October 30, 1998, the media reported that Raúl Salinas and his wife have appealed with Switzerland’s highest court the seizure of $114 million. The seizure was based on allegations that the money... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Switzerland Asset Forfeiture, Bribery, Treaties
Swiss Appellate Court Prioritizes U.S. Extradition Request Over Greek Request On October 9, 1998, the Swiss Federal Tribunal denied the appeal of Spyridon Aspiotis, a Greek citizen, of a decision by the Swiss Federal Police Office dated July 7, 1998 to extradite him to the US... Christina Johansson 14 12 1998-12-01 United States, Switzerland, Greece Extradition
Regional Cooperation in Combating Transnational Organized Crime: Task Force on Organized Crime in the Baltic Sea Region The radical political changes and economic transformation in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe in the early nineties have resulted in the dramatic surge of the level of criminality not only... Michael Plachta 14 12 1998-12-01 Baltic Region Organized Crime, International Cooperation
Australia Arrests on Behalf of Mexico Mr. Cabal, Fugitive for Financial Crimes On November 11, 1998, the Australian Government arrested Mr. Carlos Cabal Peniche, who fled Mexico in 1994 and has been one of Mexico’s most-wanted fugitives... [more] Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Mexico, Australia Extradition, Financial Crimes
Private Sector Forms Organization to Combat IP Piracy in Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe On October 16, 1998, executives from several multinational companies announced that they would form an industry group to work for strengthened enforcement of intellectual property rights in the... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Former Soviet Union, Intellectual Property, Law Enforcement
Argentina Extradites Woman to Croatia for War Crimes On November 1, 1998, the Argentine Government extradited Nada Sakic, accused of serving as a death camp guard during World War II, to Croatia where she and her husband Dinko Sakic, who was extradited... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Argentina, Croatia Extradition, War Crimes
Dutch Police Crack Down on Asian Alien Smuggling Group During the last week of October 1998, the Dutch police arrested four Chinese nationals and a Vietnamese on suspicion of operating a network that smuggled at least 350 Chinese persons into western... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 Netherlands Human Trafficking, Immigration, Law Enforcement
U.S. Indicts and Offers $5 Million Reward for Bin Laden and Atef for 2 Embassy Bombings On November 4, 1998, a Federal grand jury in Manhattan returned a 238-count indictment, charging Osama bin Laden and Muhammad Atef in the bombings of two U.S. Embassies in Africa in August and with... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 United States Terrorism
Review of White Collar Crime 1998 (ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education and the Criminal Justice Section)(N98WCCCB: $125.00)(9-800-285-2221; This book is the course book for the March 1998 program of the White Collar Crime Committee, Criminal Justice Section, American Bar Association... [more] Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 World White Collar Crime, Book Review, International Criminal and Comparative Law
Negotiations Continue over Trial Over Pan Am Lockerbie Bombing On October 26, 1998, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and national security adviser Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger told several dozen family members of bombing victims that the U.S. would not... Bruce Zagaris 14 12 1998-12-01 United States, United Kingdom, Terrorism
