
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. Senate Approves 39 Criminal Cooperation Treaties On October 21, 1998, the U.S. Senate voted to approve for ratification 39 treaties providing for international criminal cooperation, including 19 mutual assistance in criminal matters treaties (MLATs... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States Treaties, Teaching, Research, Adjective Assistance
Swiss Seize $90 Million and Mexican Government Seeks 50-Year Prison Term for Raúl Salinas On October 20, 1998, the Swiss Government announced the seizure of more than $90 million from Raúl Salinas de Gortari, a brother of former Mexican President Carlos Salinas, as a result of an... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 Mexico, Switzerland Corruption, Asset Forfeiture
Initiative to Establish Enforcement Regime Against Transnational Corruption Progresses International organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and governments continue their efforts at constructing an alliance to establish an enforcement regime against transnational corruption... [... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 OECD Corruption, Law Enforcement
U.S. Congress Passes Bill to Combat Transnational Corruption On October 21, 1998, Congress passed legislation (S 2375) approving the OECD Convention on the Bribery of Foreign Public Officials. The law will amend the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) ,... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States Corruption, Bribery, Treaties
British Report on Channel Islands Offshore Will Require Publication of Companies’ Accounts In a prelude to one of many controversies over financial supervisory regulation and enforcement and fiscal integrity, a draft recommendation of a British Home Office report in financial regulation on... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United Kingdom Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
EU Considers Initiative to Strengthen International Human Rights On October 9, 1998, a group of wise persons appealed to the European Union to strengthen its strategy and prioritization of international human rights, a plea that has important potential... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 Europe Human Rights, International Criminal and Comparative Law
U.S. Appellate Court Overturns Convictions of Offshore Sports Betting and Laundering On August 24, 1998, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit unanimously overturned the convictions of four persons convicted of multiple counts for their involvement in a gambling operation,... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Betting
British Arrest of Pinochet on Spanish Court’s Request for Human Rights Puts Spot Light on Immunities On October 16, 1998, the British police arrested and held Gen. Augusto Pinochet on behalf of the Spanish Government who request his extradition in connection with investigations by two Spanish judges... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United Kingdom, Spain Extradition, Human Trafficking, Immunity, International Criminal and Comparative Law
U.S. Federal Reserve Will Issue New “Know Your Customer” Regulations On October 2, 1998, the Federal Reserve Board approved draft regulations on “know your customer” that will require a higher level of due diligence for banks. Meanwhile, on October 16, 1998, the... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
ICC Commercial Crime Services and Interpol Agree to Cooperate against Cybercrime On September 24, 1998, Eric Ellen, director of the Commercial Crime Center of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) announced that it was establishing a new special unit to combat cybercrime... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 World Cybercrime, International Organizations
U.S. Announces Indictment and Seeks Custody of Mexican Cartel Leader On October 7, 1998, U.S. officials announced the indictment for drug and money laundering crimes against the alleged Juàrez cartel leader Vincente Carrillo Fuentes, the brother of the late Amado... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States, Mexico Money Laundering, Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking
Efforts to Investigate and Prosecute Perpetrators of U.S. Embassy Bombings Ensue In the third month since the August 7, 1998 bombing of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the efforts of the U.S. and other governments to investigate and prosecute the alleged perpetrators... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Afghanistan Terrorism, Law Enforcement
U.S. and Russian Narcotics Officials Agree to Cooperate On July 30, 1998, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrator Thomas A. Constantine and Russian Ministry of Interior (MVD) First Deputy Minister Colonel-General Vladimir Kolesnikov... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States, Russia Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation
Council of Europe Opens Convention on Criminal Environmental Law On September 9, 1998, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted the Convention on the Protection of Environment through Criminal Law, whose goal is to improve the protection of the... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 Europe Environment, International Organizations, International Criminal and Comparative Law
Illegal Migrant Honduran Children Engage in Drug Sales in Vancouver Vancouver police have arrested numerous Honduran children aged 10 to 15 found selling crack cocaine, as indications reveal a trend to employ illegal alien children to sell crack cocaine and other... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States, Honduras Immigration, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime
Review of International Criminal Law in the Netherlands (Bert Swart and André Klip, eds), Freiburg im Breisgau: Ed. Iuscrim, Max-Planck-Inst. für Ausländisches und Internat. Strafrecht, 1997, ISBN 3-86113-960-X). The book provides a comprehensive discussion of international criminal law in the Netherlands and results from cooperation between the departments of criminal law of the University of Utrecht (Willem... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 Netherlands Book Review, International Criminal and Comparative Law
UK Overseas Territories Meet on OECD Report on Harmful Tax Competition and Focus on UK Draft Report on “Offshore UK” Islands In September 1998, ministers from the UK’s ten overseas territories met in London with officials from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the UK Treasury, and Inland Revenue to discuss issues,... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United Kingdom, UK Overseas Territories Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
Colombia Supreme Court Rules Law Reinstating Extradition Not Retroactive On October 1, 1998, the Supreme Court of Colombia ruled by a 5-4 vote that a law reinstating extradition cannot be applied retroactively. The law will be critical for a number of the Cali drug... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 Colombia Extradition, Organized Crime
Argentine Judge Requests Extradition of IBM Employees Despite Lack of Criminal Charges A continuing battle between an Argentine federal judge and U.S. authorities is unfolding as the Argentine judge requested the extradition of two U.S.-based International Business Machines executives... Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 United States, Argentina Extradition, Bribery
Bibliography of Books 1. Human Rights Amnesty International, United States of America Rights for All (1998). (This report reveals a persistent and widespread pattern of human rights violations in the U.S.A.) Bruce Zagaris 14 11 1998-11-01 World Bibliography
