
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
CICAD Anti-Money Laundering Experts Recommend On-Going Assessment of Compliance with Standards and Creation of National Financial Intelligence Units At its meeting November 4-7, 1997 in Lima, Peru, the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Organization of American States (OAS), made several decisions and recommendations of... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 North America, Latin America and South America, Caribbean Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
Book Notes -- International Criminal Law and Procedure (John Dugard and Christine van den Wyngaert, eds.), International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology, 139.95, 524 pp., ISBN 1 85521 835 6. This book contains a series of articles on international criminal law. After an introductory summary of the book, Part I, The Nature of International Criminal Law, contains three articles: Georg... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 World International Criminal and Comparative Law, Teaching, Research, Adjective Assistance
Canadian Supreme Court Reinstates Extradition for U.S. Money Laundering Sting The Supreme Court of Canada recently set aside the judgment of the Ontario Court of Appeal and reinstated the extradition order of a Canadian citizen to the United States on a failed money laundering... Kirk W. Munroe 14 1 1998-01-01 Canada, United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Extradition
Human Rights Require French Court to Deny U.S. Extradition On December 4, 1997, a French Appellate Court in Bordeaux denied a U.S. extradition request for Ira Einhorn, 57, a fugitive wanted for murder charges, because of his conviction in absentia and the... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 United States, France Extradition, Human Rights
Materials from the 9th Annual Money Laundering Enforcement Seminar, Nov. 5-6, 1997, Wash., D.C. While only some of the materials focus specifically on international aspects of anti-money laundering per se, the sheer quality and diversity of materials, combined with the influence of the U.S.... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 World, United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
Jamaica Withdraws from UN Human Rights Treaty Allowing Defendants on Death Row to Appeal to the UN Committee During the third week of October 1997, the Jamaican Government reported that it intends to withdraw from the provisions of the United Nations Convention, which permits prisoners on death row a final... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 Jamaica Human Rights, United Nations
U.S. Law Enforcement Strike Disrupts Mexican-Controlled Methamphetamine Ring On December 5, 1997, the U.S. and local government authorities announced they had disrupted one of the largest methamphetamine networks in the U.S. controlled by two Mexican drug groups. The strike... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 United States, Mexico Drugs & Trafficking
SEC Obtains Conviction in Transnational Fraud Case On November 25, 1997, the media reported a conviction obtained by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in a transnational securities fraud case. Alan Benlolo, a Canadian... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 Canada, United States Human Rights, Fraud
Eight Governments Agree on Cooperation against Cybercrimes On December 10, 1997, at a meeting in Washington, D.C., ministers from eight industrialized governments agreed to combat cybercrime with enhanced technology and a harmonized crime legislation... [... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 Canada, United States, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, Italy, Russia Cybercrime
OECD Convention on Transnational Corruption Signed On December 17, 1997, 29 nations signed the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. This article discusses the Convention and the... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 OECD Corruption, International Organizations
European Council Adopts Measures to Combat Transnational Corruption On November 13, 1997, the Council of the European Union adopted measures to combat transnational corruption. The action was taken in the wake of the signing of the OECD Convention to criminalize... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 Europe, OECD Corruption, International Organizations
The Criminalization of Trade Secret Theft: the U.S. Economic Espionage Act of 1996 The collapse of the Soviet Union has resulted in far-reaching changes in the global environment. One of the immediate effects of the demise of what Ronald Reagan dubbed the "Evil Empire" was the... Pamela Stuart 14 1 1998-01-01 United States Trade Enforcement, Economic Espionage
Permanent International Criminal Court PrepCom Ends with Agreement on Most Issues and Boosts Likely Role and Independence of Prosecutor At the latest Preparatory Conference (PrepCom) on the establishment of a Permanent International Criminal Court (PICC), the participants reached agreement on many key issues. The role of the... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 World International Courts
European Union Justice and Home Affairs Meeting Produces Progress At the December 4-5, 1997 meeting of the European Union’s Justice and Home Affairs Ministers, progress was made on a wide range of matters, including the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 Europe International Organizations
Nazi Gold At the first international conference on money and gold stolen from victims of the Holocaust, attended by 250 delegates from 41 countries, some governments committed to $15 million for a new... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 World Law of War
State and Local Governments Consider 90 Day Moratorium on Swiss Nazi Gold Issues On December 8, 1997, following a conference in New York of interested state and local governments and interested victims and their representatives concerning reparations for Holocaust victims, key... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 United States, Switzerland Law of War
U.S. Drug Office and State Department Release Report on Enhanced Multilateral Drug Control Cooperation : In September 1997, the Office of the National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President and the U.S. Department of State, released the Report on Enhanced Multilateral Drug Control... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 United States, Latin America and South America, Caribbean Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation
New Arrests and Criticisms of Multinational Peacekeeping On December 18, 1997, Dutch paratroopers and marines from the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Bosnia arrested two Bosnian Croat war crimes suspects and then sent them to the International Criminal... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 France Law of War, International Courts, Peacekeeping
Philippine Extradition Request to Canada Raises Human Rights Issues On December 8, 1997, a hearing in the Ontario Court’s General Division concerned the extradition request by the Philippine Government for the extradition of Rodolfo Pacificador, a Philippine national... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 Canada, Philippines Extradition, Human Rights
Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group Formed to Combat Organized Crime On December 11, 1997, national anti-counterfeiting organizations from leading industrialized countries announced plans to cooperate on responding to the increasing involvement of organized crime in... Bruce Zagaris 14 1 1998-01-01 United States, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden Counterfeiting, Intellectual Property, Organized Crime
