
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Under Pressure, Dominican Republic Takes Anti-Piracy Action Under criticism from foreign businesses and the U.S. Government, the new Government of the Dominican Republic has started to enforce its piracy laws with respect to intellectual property laws... [... Bruce Zagaris 13 9 1997-09-01 United States, Dominican Republic Intellectual Property
Compliance and Enforcement of European Community Law On Oct. 2-3, 1997, the Center for Enforcement of European Law/Law Faculty Utrecht University in cooperation with the Law Department of the European Institute Florence, and the Center for European... Bruce Zagaris 13 9 1997-09-01 World Conferences, Law Enforcement
U.K. Court Releases Fugitive Due to Limit on Enforcement of Criminal Conviction in Belgium On March 3, 1997, a British Court ordered the release of a fugitive whose extradition was sought by Belgium to serve a sentence imposed in Belgium. He has been convicted of obtaining money by... Bruce Zagaris 13 9 1997-09-01 United Kingdom, Belgium Extradition, Fraud
15th International Symposium on Economic Crime, Sept. 14-20, 1997 On September 14-20, 1997, the 15th International Symposium on Economic Crime will take place at Jesus College, Cambridge. The theme will be "The Globalization of Crime: The Electronic Dimension."... Bruce Zagaris 13 9 1997-09-01 World Conferences, Economic Crimes
