
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.N. International Narcotics Control Board Calls for Use of Tax Enforcement Cooperation to Help Combat Drug Trafficking On March 3, 1997, the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board in a report states that tax evasion should be included in all extradition treaties and utilized to combat both drug... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 World Money Laundering, Extradition, Taxation, United Nations, Drugs & Trafficking, Tax Crimes
U.K. Court Requires Consent from France Before Re-Extradition of Relator to the U.S. The relator, Mr. Ali Akbar sought judicial review after France extradited him to the U.K. and then, following the service of his sentence in the U.K., the British Secretary of State ordered his... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 United States, France, United Kingdom Extradition
Canadian Individual Appeals Order to Cooperate with U.S. and U.K. MLAT Requests Litigation in Canada concerns the propriety of cooperation by the Canadian Government with requests under Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (MLAT) requests from the U.K. and the U.S.... [... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 Canada, United States, United Kingdom Money Laundering, Mutual Legal Assistance, Fraud
U.S. Court in Houston Forfeits $7.9M from Former Mexican Deputy Attorney General On March 1 1997, a jury in the U.S. District Court in Houston dealt a victory to law enforcement authorities when it awarded $7.9 of the contested $9.1 million in a Houston bank account of former... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 United States, Mexico Corruption, Drugs & Trafficking, Asset Forfeiture
International Cyber Gambling Poses New Challenges for Enforcement and Regulators The Internet and globalization have combined to facilitate the proliferation of new forms of transnational gaming and potential crime ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 World Cybercrime
Appellate Court Affirms and Extends Ability of Kidnapped Mexican Physician to Sue for Abuses On February 19, 1997, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit filed an amended opinion, affirming and even extending the right of Humberto Alvarez-Machain to sue for alleged human rights... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 United States, Mexico Human Rights, Immunity, Kidnaping, Torture
European Parliament Adopts Report Calling Denial of Asylum to Nationals Accused of Terrorism On January 30, 1997, the European Parliament adopted a report by an overwhelming vote of 294-19 and 4 abstentions on the fight against terrorism in the European Union, and called for the... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 Europe Terrorism, European Union, Mutual Legal Assistance, Treaties
Discovery of Serb Victims Raises Questions on Integrity of Bosnian War Crime Convictions On February 28, 1997, the discovery of two Muslim brothers, whose supposed slaying constituted evidence in the most publicized Bosnian war crimes trials, has become an embarrassment and undermines... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 Bosnia Law of War, War Crimes
Italians Arrest Twelve Russian Mafia in Successful International Enforcement Cooperation On March 17, 1997, Italian police arrested Mr. Esin Yuri Ivanovich, the boss of The Brigade of the Sun, and twelve other operatives of one of the three main mafia organizations while they attended a... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 Italy, Russia Organized Crime, International Cooperation
The Edinburgh Conference on Transnational & International Crime, May 15-17, 1997 On May 15-17, 1997, the Department of Public International Law and the Europa Institute of the Univ. of Edinburgh will sponsor a conference on the following topics: countering transnational crime;... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 World Human Rights, European Union, Conferences, Crimes
Belize Enacts Anti-Money Laundering and Proposes Financial Services Commission In recent months Belize has enacted anti-money laundering legislation and is considering the establishment of a Financial Services Commission to meet the active establishment of offshore financial... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 Belize Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Asset Forfeiture
National Security Law Summer Training Institute On June 1-14, 1997, the Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia School of Law will hold the Seventh Annual National Security Law Summer Training Institute for Professors and... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 World International Courts, Conferences, Treaties
Cayman Reports Success with Anti-Money Laundering Amendments The amendments enacted in November 1996 to the Cayman Islands anti-money laundering law reportedly have started well... [more] Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 Cayman Islands Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
Contemporary Issues in Controlling Weapons of Mass Destruction On April 18-19, 1997, the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security, Duke Univ. School of Law and the Center for National Security Law, Univ. of Virginia, are sponsoring a conference on the... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 World Conferences, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Mexico Issues Anti Money Laundering Regulations On March 10, 1997, the media reported that Mexican financial ministry officials reported that Mexico will issue anti-money laundering regulations to counter the laundering of drug profits through its... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 Mexico Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Drugs & Trafficking
U.S. Treasury Prepares Regulations to Require Money Transmitters to Register with Federal Authorities On March 11, 1997, Treasury Undersecretary for Enforcement Raymond W. Kelly testified before Congress that Treasury is preparing and will soon issue regulations that will require money transmitters... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy
International Ramifications of U.S. Money Laundering Control Act and Regime Clearly the enactment in 1986 of the U.S. Money Laundering Control Act (MLCA) and the establishment of an anti-money laundering has made momentous waves internationally. The impact of U.S.... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 World, United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, International Organizations
U.S. Arrests Exiled Haitian Police Chief in Honduras for Drug Trafficking On March 7, 1997, U.S. drug enforcement agents arrested Joseph Michel Francois, the exiled police chief of Port of Prince, Haiti and the No. 3 person in the Haitian military government from 1991-94,... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 United States, Haiti Drugs & Trafficking
U.S. Announces Certification of 32 Countries on International Narcotics Cooperation On February 28, 1997, President Clinton announced certification decisions on 23 countries under the Foreign Assistance Act. Of the 32 countries, 23 received full certification while six were denied... Bruce Zagaris 13 4 1997-04-01 World, United States Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation