
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
President Clinton Calls for Standing War Crimes Tribunal and Permanent War Crimes Police Force On January 29, 1997, President Clinton reiterated his call for the establishment of a permanent international war crimes tribunal and a police force or soldiers to pursue and arrest criminals accused... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 World, United States Law of War, War Crimes, International Courts
Swiss Banks Create Fund for Holocaust Victims On February 6, 1997, the largest three Swiss banks announced that they will establish and fund with $71 million a humanitarian fund for Holocaust survivors and families of victims, thereby initiating... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 Switzerland Law of War, Holocaust
Swiss-U.S. MOU on Seizure and Disposal of Nazi Gold The U.S. and Switzerland are close to signing a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation concerning the seizure and disposal of Nazi gold ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 United States, Switzerland Law of War, International Cooperation
International Terrorism and Organized Crime -- Security Concerns? Interpol has currently 176 member countries and in each of these countries the national authorities have established a national office of Interpol, designated the National Central Bureau. It is... Eckart Kemmelmeier 13 3 1997-03-01 World Terrorism, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, White Collar Crime
State Department Organized Crime Seminar Examines Current Trends (The article will be about 4-5 pages) Mark Andrew Sherman 13 3 1997-03-01 United States Organized Crime
Belize Enacts Anti-Money Laundering and Proposes Financial Services Commission In recent months Belize has enacted anti-money laundering legislation and is considering the establishment of a Financial Services Commission to meet the active establishment of offshore financial... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 Belize Money Laundering, Asset Forfeiture, Financial Supervision
Greece Will Extradite Woman To Germany for Terrorist Crimes On January 28, 1997, the Greek Government announced that it will extradite Andrea Hausler, 31, a German national, to Germany in connection with a 1986 disco bombing in West Berlin which killed 200... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 Germany, Greece Extradition, Terrorism
International Cyber Gambling Poses New Challenges for Enforcement and Regulators The Internet and globalization have combined to facilitate the proliferation of new forms of transnational gaming and potential crime ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 World Cybercrime, Law Enforcement
The Edinburgh Conference on Transnational & International Crime, May 15-17, 1997 On May 15-17, 1997, the Department of Public International Law and the Europa Institute of the Univ. of Edinburgh will sponsor a conference on the following topics: countering transnational crime;... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 World Human Rights, European Union, Conferences
Spanish Police Strike Against Drug-Related Laundering On February 9, 1997, the Spanish media reported that Spanish police had detained eight Colombian nationals, suspected members of a network dedicated to drug trafficking, who had laundered more than... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 Colombia, Spain Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking
EU Council Adopts Common Position on North-South Cooperation against Drugs On November 22, 1996, the European Union Council adopted a common position on north-south cooperation to fight drug trafficking and addiction. Because of the broad scope of the position, the amount... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 Europe European Union, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation
EU Council Adopts Resolution on Sentencing for Serious Illicit Drug-Trafficking On December 20, 1996, the European Union Council adopted a resolution calling European Union Member States to ensure that their laws reflect the principles of the resolution to coordinate sentencing... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 Europe European Union, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation
Marzook Quits Opposition to Extradition to Israel On January 29, 1997, detained Palestinian leader Mousa Abu Marzook announced his abandonment of his appeal of the extradition order, granting the request by Israel that he be surrendered to stand... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 United States, Israel, Palestine Extradition, Terrorism, Murder
Britain Sends Liaison Anti-Crime Official to Russia and Increases Enforcement Cooperation Emulating a trend internationally, on January 29, 1997, Mr. Michael Howard, the British home secretary, announced that the British Government is appointing a liaison officer in Moscow as part of an... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 United Kingdom, Russia Terrorism, Drugs & Trafficking, Mutual Legal Assistance, Organized Crime
Fraud Conviction of Venezuelan Banker Shows Outerlimits of U.S. Jurisdiction On February 19, 1997, the conviction by a Manhattan jury of Orlando Castro Llanes, a Venezuelan national, on various charges resulting from the bank collapse in Veneuzela has indicated the... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 United States, Venezuela Jurisdiction, Fraud
Fraudsters Hit Developing Countries with Prime Bank Fraud Notes The Commercial Crime Bureau has exposed the Sovereign Nation Infrastructure Private Sector (SNIPS) facility program, a new version of the "prime bank fraud" scams, packaged especially to developing... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 World International Organizations, Fraud
British Detect Nigerian Visa Frauds On February 5, 1997, the British Government sent home at least four British employees of the visa section of the British High Commission as a result of discovery of a major visa-selling ring in Lagos... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 United Kingdom, Nigeria Immigration, Fraud
Hungarian Sex Trade Motivates Closer Criminal Cooperation Escalating violence in Budapest has spurred new international enforcement initiatives to control prostitution, pornography, and related sex crimes that are behind illegal migration ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 Hungary Immigration, Sex Crimes, Law Enforcement
Europol Starts to Gain Momentum and Success Already the European Police Organization, known as Europol, has achieved success in assisting in the identification, investigation, and prosecution of international criminal cases, even while the... Bruce Zagaris 13 3 1997-03-01 Europe International Organizations, Drugs & Trafficking