
E.g., 2024-09
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Japan Urges Tax Administrators to Combat Use of Underground Money During the October 22-24, 1997 meeting of the Pacific Association of Tax Administrators (PATA), the Japanese delegation urged tax administrators to combat the growing transmission of underground... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 Canada, United States, Japan, Australia Taxation, International Cooperation, Tax Crimes
Mexico Will Increase International Tax Audits, Professionalize Tax Civil Service, and Integrate Handling of Tax and Customs : On September 18, 1997, C.P. Ricardo Gonzalez, the fiscal attaché for the Mexican Government to the United States, reviewed important developments affecting Mexican international tax developments... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 Mexico Taxation, Customs
Swiss Financier Loses Second Appeal Against Swiss Extradition from the Bahamas On October 18, 1997, a Bahamian Appellate Court announced its decision to uphold the extradition of Werner Rey, a Swiss financier whose extradition from the Bahamas has been requested by the Swiss... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 Switzerland, Bahamas Extradition, Fraud
Canadian Supreme Court Upholds Evidence Obtained in U.S. under MLAT Despite Violations of the Charter The Canadian Supreme Court has upheld the conviction of a Mr. Terry on second degree murder and has ruled that the statement U.S. police took from him pursuant to the warrant for his arrest, issued... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 Canada, United States Murder, Mutual Legal Assistance
Permanent International Criminal Court Preparations Are on Schedule In the aftermath of the August 1997 Preparatory Conference (PrepCom) on the Permanent International Criminal Court (ICC), momentum exists for additional work leading toward the resolution of... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 World International Organizations
Arab Governments Agree to Defy U.N. Libyan Sanctions While Witness to Bombing Pleads Guilty of Perjury On September 21, 1997, Arab governments voted to defy United Nations sanctions by allowing planes carrying Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader, to land on their territory and to allow other... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 World, Libya International Organizations, Sanctions, Law Enforcement
Swiss Freeze $13 Million of Bhutto Accounts On October 15, 1997, the Swiss police announced it had identified SFR20 million ($13.6 million) in frozen bank accounts belonging to the family of Benazir Bhutto, the former Pakistan Prime Minister,... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 Switzerland, Pakistan Corruption, Asset Forfeiture
Japan Adopts Anti-Bribery Measures on Foreign Aid On October 2, 1997, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it will impose measures to prohibit bribery related to official development assistance (ODA) grants to foreign countries... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 Japan Corruption, Bribery
Ten Bosnian War Crimes Suspects Surrender to International Criminal Tribunal On October 6, 1997, Dario Kordic, the top Bosnian Croat war crimes suspect, and nine other persons surrendered in Split, from where they boarded a Dutch military plane for transportation to the... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 United States, Bosnia Law of War, War Crimes, International Courts
Swiss Banks Uncover More Accounts from WWII, But Suffers Sanctions by U.S. State and Local Governments On October 13, 1997, Swiss banking officials announced that additional searches of their archives have produced 4,000 more unclaimed accounts belonging to foreigners before and during the Holocaust... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 United States, Switzerland Law of War, Sanctions, Holocaust
U.S. Congress Hears Testimony on Actions to Combat Transnational Organized Crime On October 1, 1997 the House Committee on International Relations heard testimony about the threat from international organized crime and terrorism and how to combat the problem... [more] Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 United States Terrorism, Organized Crime, International Cooperation
U.S. and Caribbean Community Agree in Principle to Cooperate on Electronic Commerce and Study Casino and Internet Gaming On September 22, 1997, the U.S. and the Caribbean agreed on electronic commerce in principle while their respective anti-money laundering organizations are studying problems of money laundering and... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 United States, Caribbean Money Laundering, Cybercrime, International Cooperation, Betting
G-10 Basle Committee Issues Final Guide on Supervision On September 23, 1997, the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision, the central bank organ of the G-10 countries, agreed on a final version of supervision principles to strengthen the supervisory... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 G-10 member countries Bank Secrecy, International Organizations, Financial Supervision
Bibliography of Articles 1. Adjective Enforcement Symposium, Conceptualizing Violence: Present and Future Developments in International Law, 60 Alb. L. Rev. 565-1079 (1997)...[more] Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 World Bibliography
FATF Presses Swiss Government On Laundering During the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) plenary session in Paris on September 22-24, 1997, its mutual review on money laundering pressed the Swiss Government to take the long-promised action on... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 World, Switzerland Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, International Organizations
Bibliography of Book Reviews R. Lawson, The European Union and Human Rights (N.A. Neuwahl and A. Rosas, eds.). 5 Eur.J. Crime, Cr.L.Cr.J. 91-94 (1997). Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 World Bibliography
French Government Maintains Border Checks to Combat Drug Trafficking Despite Schengen On September 23, 1997, French President Jacque Chirac announced that his government would continue controls on its northern borders to combat international narcotics trafficking in spite of the... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 France Drugs & Trafficking
Bibliorgraphy of Documents 1. Adjective Enforcement Hong Kong-United States: Agreement for the Transfer of Sentenced Person, 36 I.L.M. 856 (July 1997)...[more] Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 World Bibliography
Proposed U.S. Tax Treaties Increase Mutual Assistance for Tax Crimes At a hearing on October 7, 1997, before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, the proposed U.S. tax treaties, which pave new paths for mutual assistance in the investigation and... Bruce Zagaris 13 11 1997-11-01 United States, Switzerland, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Ireland, Luxembourg, Austria Taxation, Mutual Legal Assistance, Treaties, Tax Crimes