
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. with Mexican Help Detains Vessel with Undocumented Aliens On August 11, 1997, the U.S. Coast Guard detained a vessel off the Mexican coast about 100 miles south of San Diego, carrying what are believed to be sixty-nine undocumented Asian immigrants ... [... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 United States, Mexico Immigration
Prep Com Progresses on Consideration of Permanent International Criminal Court During August 1-15, 1997, the Preparatory Committee (Prep Com) on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court (ICC) deliberated and made progress on the establishment of an ICC. While there... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 World, United States International Courts
Swiss Fund Makes First Distribution to Holocaust Survivors On September 17, 1997, the Swiss fund established nine months ago to help Holocaust survivors announced its first distribution, paying $1,000 each for 12,000 survivors in Eastern Europe... [more] Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 Switzerland Law of War, Holocaust
IMB Issues Report on Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships 1. Introduction On August 7, 1997, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Maritime Bureau (IMB) released a special report analyzing developments and identifying potential future... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 World International Organizations, Immigration
Canadian Telemarketing Scams into the U.S. Increase Increasingly, "boiler room" phone banks in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, or "rip and tear" operations that move from hotel to hotel in Canada have targeted the elderly in the U.S. with elaborate... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 Canada, United States Fraud
U.S. Suspends Deportation of I.R.A. Members in Wake of Inclusion of IRA in Irish Peace Negotiations On September 9, 1997, the Clinton Administration announced the suspension of deportation proceedings against six veterans of the Irish Republic Army (I.R.A.) and decided not to start such proceedings... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 United States, Ireland Terrorism, Deportation
Federal Reserve Guidance on Private Banking Requires New Due Diligence from Banks On June 30, 1997, the Division of Bank Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, issued guidance to each officer in charge of supervision at each Federal Reserve... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Financial Supervision
Italy Arrests and Prepares to Extradite Libyan Suspect in 1986 Disco Bombing to Germany : On August 26, 1997, the Italian anti-terrorist police arrested Musbah Abulgasem Eter, a former member of the Libyan secret services, for the 1986 bombing of a Berlin discotheque... [more] Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 Germany, Italy, Libya Extradition, Terrorism
Cargo Handlers Will Become Subject to Increased Scrutiny in Anti-Drug War Increasingly, the U.S. and other governments are concentrating more on cargo handlers as a supplement to interdiction in order to combat illicit traffic in narcotic and psychotropic substances. Two... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 United States Drugs & Trafficking, Smuggle
IMB, Modern Piracy, Newport News, VA, Nov. 14-15, 1997 On November 14-15, 1997, the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) is sponsoring a seminar at the Mariners Museum in Newport News, VA on modern piracy. For more information, contact the ICC IMB,... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 World Conferences, Piracy
OAS Group of Experts Strengthen Regulations on Precursors and Chemical Substances On June 24-27, 1997, at a meeting held in Fort de France, Martinique, the Group of Experts of the Organization of American States (OAS) Inter-American Drug-Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) met for... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 North America, Latin America and South America, Caribbean International Organizations, Drugs & Trafficking
Chinese Seize Japanese Golf Course in Tax Enforcement Action On August 18, 1997, Chinese tax authorities seized the assets of a foreign-financed joint venture in an effort to protect its interests in the context of a dispute over an alleged tax evasion case... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 China, Japan Taxation, Asset Seizure, Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
Chinese Government Tells Investors to Fight Tax Corruption in Court On September 15, 1997, Zun Zhenhyu, Vice President of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) said that foreign investors should seek protection from corrupt tax... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 China Corruption, Taxation
Argentine Government Arrests and Holds Italian Fugitive On September 4, 1997, the media reported that the Argentine police had arrested Mario Fabbrocino, a Neapolitan mafia boss sought by police for ten years, in Buenos Aires. Neapolitan police assisted... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 Italy, Argentina Extradition
Colombian Government Confiscates Property of Escobar On September 3, 1997, the Colombian Department of Administration and Security announced that it has confiscated sixty-eight properties belonging to relatives of Medillin cartel leader Pablo Escobar... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 Colombia Drugs & Trafficking, Asset Forfeiture
Internet Gaming Operators Adopt Code of Conduct in Effort to Confront Growing Regulatory Initiatives On May 9, 1997, the Interactive Gaming Council (IGC) promulgated a Code of Conduct as regulatory efforts to limit their activities grow. In particular, U.S. legislative and prosecutorial efforts are... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 World, United States Cybercrime, International Organizations, Betting
Minnesota Appellate Court Affirms Jurisdiction over Criminal Action Against Belize Cybergaming On September 5, 1997, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled that a Belizean Internet gaming service that advertised online and had activities (e.g., mailing) involving at least one Minnesotan resident... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 United States, Belize Cybercrime, Jurisdiction, Betting
Environmental NGO Urges More Enforcement of Montreal Convention as U.S. Court Sentences Freon Smugglers On September 5, 1997, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) revealed blatant violations of the 1987 Montreal Protocol as its signatories met to discuss its provisions. Meanwhile, a U.S.... Bruce Zagaris 13 10 1997-10-01 World, United States Environment, International Organizations, Chemicals Smuggle