
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Bank Supervisors Agree to Accelerate Implementation of Minimum Standards for International Banking Supervision On June 13, 1996 at the biennial International Conference of Bank Supervisors in Stockholm (Stockholm Conference), Mr. Tomasso Padoa-Schioppa, chairman of the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 2009-07-01 Switzerland, Sweden, G-10 member countries Bank Secrecy, Economic Crimes, Financial Supervision, Banking Supervision
Lithuania Ratifies and Macedonia Signs Criminal and Human Rights Cooperation Agreements In May and June 1996, Lithuania ratified and Macedonia signed some of the Council of Europe conventions on criminal cooperation and others on human rights...(more) Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 Europe, Lithuania, Macedonia Human Rights, International Organizations, Transfer of Prisoners, European Union, Capital Punishment
Insider Trading and Criminal Law: Recent Developments in the Netherlands The past year my firm and I have received more than a dozen strictly confidential "Urgent Business Proposals" from top Nigerian officials (so they say), inviting me to assist them to transfer between... Jan M. Sjöcrona 12 7 1996-07-01 Nigeria, Netherlands Money Laundering, Maritime, Fraud, Financial Crimes, Economic Crimes, Financial Supervision
Meeting of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court From March 25 to April 12, 1996, the Preparatory Committee (PREPCOM) on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court (ICC) met at the United Nations Headquarters for its first session. Its... Immi Lehtonen 12 7 1996-07-01 World Human Rights, United Nations, War Crimes, Genocide, International Courts, Treaties
U.S. Appellate Holds that Victims of Former Yugoslavia Can Sue Karadzic for Violations of International Law In June 1996, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued its order, reversing the dismissal of actions by two groups of victims from Bosnia-Herzegovina against Radovan Karadzic... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 United States, Balkans, Serbia, Former Yugoslavia Human Rights, Jurisdiction, War Crimes, Genocide, International Courts
Basle Committee on Banking and Securities Commission Agree to Cooperate On May 21, 1996, the two principal bodies representing banking and regulators from industrialized countries issued a joint statement of principles for improved cooperation between regulators in... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 World, Switzerland Bank Secrecy, Treaties, Banking Supervision
War Crimes Tribunal Accepts First Plea from Croatian On May 31, 1996, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia accepted the first plea from an ethnic Croat who fought for the Bosnian Serb army and plead guilty to crimes against... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 Croatia, Serbia, Former Yugoslavia International Organizations, War Crimes, Genocide, International Courts
Swiss Cabinet Approves Anti-Money Laundering Law On June 17, 1996, the Swiss cabinet approved a draft law to combat money laundering, including a provision requiring financial managers to report suspicious transactions. If adopted by the Swiss... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 World, Switzerland Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Banking Supervision
U.S. Makes Provisional Arrest of Alleged Peruvian Terrorist On June 3, 1996, the United States Government announced the provisional arrest of Julian Salazar Calero on May 31, 1996 under its extradition treaty with Peru, a known member of the rebellious... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 United States, Peru Extradition, Terrorism
Western Hemisphere Finance Ministers Consider Implementation of Anti-Money Laundering At a meeting May 17-18, 1996 of Western Hemisphere finance ministers, Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin raised the issue of implementing the undertakings of the finance ministers during a money... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 North America, Latin America and South America, Caribbean, Argentina Money Laundering, International Organizations, Conferences
International Association of Prosecutors, Budapest, September 19-21, 1996 On September 19-21, 1996, the International Association of Prosecutors is holding a General Meeting and Conference at the Hilton Hotel, Budapest, Hungary...(more) Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 World, Hungary Administration of Justice, International Organizations, Conferences, Law Enforcement
U.S. Arrests Leaders of Drug Smuggling Ring in Florida On May 30, 1996, the United States Attorney in Jacksonville, Florida, flanked by investigators from the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, announced the arrest of... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 Canada, United States Maritime, Drugs & Trafficking, Drug Enforcement, Smuggle
U.S.-Austria Conclude Tax Treaty with Exchange of Information On May 31, 1996, the U.S. Department of Treasury announced the signing of a new income tax treaty with Austria that contains a more limited exchange of information provision than other recently... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 United States, Austria Taxation, Treaties, Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
German Bank Sues Tax Authorities for Violation of Secrecy On May 24, 1996, Martin Kohlhaussen, the chairman of Commerzbank, announced that it was suing the Frankfurt office of the German tax authorities for breach of secrecy and appealing against the DM400m... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 Germany, Luxembourg Bank Secrecy, Taxation, Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes, Banking Supervision
Polish Senate Dilutes Access to Bank Accounts and Risks Accession to OECD On May 24, 1996, the Polish Senate rejected a bill passed by the lower house (Sejm) that would erode bank secrecy rights to provide tax and other officials broad access to bank account information in... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 Poland, Russia, Hungary, Czech Republic Bank Secrecy, Taxation, Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes, Banking Supervision
Progress on EU Revised Extradition Treaty Stalls On the eve of the meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg on June 4, 1996, difficulties continued to block the achievement of an agreement on a new extradition convention...(... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 Europe, Luxembourg, Portugal Extradition, European Union, Prisoner Rights, Treaties
English Courts Holds Russian Computer Fraudster Extraditable In March 1996, an English court held that Mr. Levin, whose extradition the U.S. sought in connection with a computer crime in the Citibank network, was extraditable...(more) Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 United Kingdom, Russia Extradition, Fraud, Computer Crimes
Spain Seeks Clarification of Protocol with Mexico On June 5, 1996, Spain and Mexico decided to discuss and try to clarify a protocol to the extradition treaty, whose entry in force is pending the criticism of Spain on the acceptance of the principle... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 Mexico, Spain Extradition, Taxation, Terrorism, Organized Crime, Treaties, Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
Trinidad Government Leads Witness Protection Initiative The Government of Trinidad & Tobago (T&T), whose criminal justice system is under assault from indiscriminate murders of witnesses, has taken action to implement a national and a regional... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 World, Caribbean, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica Administration of Justice, Murder, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement
EU Approves Treaty Establishing Europol On June 21, 1996, the European Union reached agreement on a treaty to establish the European Police Organization (Europol) as part of the settlement with the United Kingdom that lifts a ban on... Bruce Zagaris 12 7 1996-07-01 Europe, United Kingdom International Organizations, European Union, Treaties