
E.g., 2025-01
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
U.S. Illegal Immigration Law Has Many Provisions with International Enforcement Implications The newly enacted U.S. Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIR) contains many new draconian international enforcement provisions. In particular, the new law increases... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 United States Human Trafficking, Immigration, Fraud
U.S. Will Take New Anti-Corruption Action On September 24, 1996, on the release of the fourth annual National Export Strategy, the Clinton Administration pledged national and international efforts against bribery ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 United States Corruption
World Bank President Calls for New Anti-Corruption Measures On October 1, 1996, World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn called for its members to tackle "the cancer of corruption ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 World Corruption, International Organizations
New Jersey Indictment Alleges Cooperation between Russian Mob and La Cosa Nostra in Evasion of Fuel Tax A New Jersey indictment alleges an elaborate scheme between the Russian mob and representatives of the Genovese, Gambino, Lucchese and Columbo crime families in making millions of dollars selling... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 United States Organized Crime, International Cooperation, Tax Crimes
Governments Issue Warning About Caribbean Offshore Banks The Bank of England has warned investors about making deposits in Antigua-based European Union Bank (EUB) amid reports from other law enforcement officials about problems in certain Caribbean... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 United States, Caribbean, Colombia, United Kingdom, Russia Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Organized Crime, Law Enforcement
The Edinburgh Conference on Transnational & International Crime, May 15-17, 1997 On May 15-17, 1997, the Department of Public International Law and the Europa Institute of the Univ. of Edinburgh will sponsor a conference on the following topics: countering transnational crime;... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 World Human Rights, Conferences, International Crimes
Banking Supervisors from Large Offshore Financial Centers Agree to Strengthen Cooperation in Line with Basle 1992 Resolution On October 7, 1996, banking supervisors from large offshore financial centers agreed to increase cooperation with their counterparts in investigating irregular behavior at banks under their control... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 World Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, International Cooperation, Financial Supervision
Books Adjective Enforcement International Criminal Law Cases and Materials (Jordan J. Paust, Cherif Bassiouni, Sharon Williams, Michael Scharf, Jimmy Gurale, and Bruce Zagaris, eds., Durham, N.C.:... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 World Bibliography
U.S. Treasury Urges Strengthening of Financial Supervisory Enforcement Regimes in Latin America On October 8, 1996, Treasury Deputy Secretary Lawrence Summers, speaking to the Annual Conference on the Americas in New York, urged that strengthening and modernization of financial systems in Latin... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 United States, Latin America and South America Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, International Organizations, Financial Supervision
Book Reviews Christopher L. Blakesley, 90 A.J.I.L. 346 (1996), (reviewing Joseph J. Lambert, Terrorism and Hostages in International Law: A Commentary on the Hostages Convention (1979))...[more] Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 World Book Review
EU Council Issues Foreign Assistance Regulation on Anti-Drug Cooperation On September 6, 1996, the European Union Commission issued an amended proposal for "North-South Cooperation in the Campaign against Drugs and Drug Addiction ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 Europe International Organizations, Drugs & Trafficking, Treaties, International Cooperation
Documents i. Intellectual Property Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Framework Agreement on Intellectual Property Cooperation and Framework Agreement on Services, 35 I.L.M. 1072 (July 1996)... [more] Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 World Bibliography
International Undercover Operations in Three Countries Penetrate Nigerian Heroin Ring On October 11, 1996, U.S. law enforcement officials announced the arrests of 34 suspects in three countries that have disrupted a major drug-trafficking group led primarily by Nigerian women who... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 United States, Nigeria Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime
Brazil Government Will Propose Laws and Establish Office to Prevent Tax Evasion Through Improper Transfer Pricing In August 1996, the Brazilian Government announced plans to enact legislation to prevent tax evasion through improper transfer pricing and to open an office in its tax department to monitor and... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 Brazil Taxation, Tax Crimes
U.S. Senate Passes Kazak Treaty On September 28, 1996, the U.S. Senate in executive session passed the income tax treaty between the U.S. and Kazakstan by unanimous consent ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 United States, Kazakhstan Taxation, Treaties
New Swiss-U.S. Tax Accord Reached and Increases Tax Enforcement On September 2, 1996, after seventeen years of difficult negotiations, the United States and Swiss Governments signed a new, proposed bilateral income tax treaty, protocol, and memorandum of... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 United States, Switzerland Taxation, Treaties, Tax Crimes
EU Justice Ministries Agree on New Convention On September 27, 1996, at an Informal Council meeting in Dublin of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers, the ministers agreed and signed a new Convention relating to extradition between the Member... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 Europe Extradition, Treaties
Swiss Extradite Italian Financier after Jail Term On October 19, 1996, the Swiss Government extradited Mr. Florio Florini, one of best known Italian financiers of the 1980s, to Italy after he had served four years of a six-year sentence in a Swiss... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 Switzerland, Italy Extradition
EU Agrees to Increase Cooperation for Crimes against Children During the last week of September 1996, the European Union justice ministers agreed to extend the gamut of Europol against crimes against children, but deferred coordinating criminal codes and... Bruce Zagaris 12 11 1996-11-01 Europe European Union, Mutual Legal Assistance, International Criminal and Comparative Law
Undercover Sting Operations: How to Protect Professionals -- The U.K. Experience Introduction I have sought to outline in the following pages the basic concepts that will arise under English law when a situation such as that envisaged by the hypothetical arises. Whilst the... Christopher Murray 12 11 1996-11-01 United Kingdom Money Laundering, Administration of Justice, Drugs & Trafficking
