
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Canadian Court Allows Deportation to the U.S. of Person Arrested under Extradition Act A case that illustrates the interaction between extradition and the use of deportation as a disguised form concerns a Ms. Bembenek who was arrested in Canada after escaping from prison in Wisconsin... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 Canada, United States Extradition, Treaties
U.S. Appellate Court Reverses Declaratory Relief against Deportation of Ruiz Massieu to Mexico On July 29, 1996, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit reversed the order of declaratory and injunctive relief previously granted by the district court against the deportation of Mario... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 United States, Mexico Extradition, Treaties
U.S. Requested Extradition from St. Kitts on Cocaine Trafficking Cocaine continues to dominate the news in St. Kitts as an extradition request from the U.S. rages ... [more] Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 United States, St. Kitts & Nevis Extradition, Drugs & Trafficking
Organized Crime Penetrates Tendering of Oil Contracts As international organized crime groups penetrate the tendering of oil contracts with the help of corruption of employees of oil companies, the security teams of such companies are taking preventive... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 World Corruption, International Organizations, Organized Crime
Hearings Reveals Multiagency U.S. Effort to Combat Nigerian Crime On September 11, 1996, U.S. executive branch officials revealed multi-agency efforts and international cooperation to expose, prevent, and prosecute Nigerian white collar and organized crime,... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 United States, Nigeria Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Fraud, White Collar Crime, International Cooperation
Italian High Court Will Rule on Priebke Case On October 15, 1996, the high court is scheduled to rule on the verdict of a Rome military tribunal that freed the former SS captain Erich Priebke due to Italian statute of limitations despite... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 Italy Law of War, Murder, War Crimes, International Courts
Justice in Cataclysm: Criminal Tribunals in the Wake of Mass Violence The conference focused on several options to deal with mass violence in society. These options are not restricted only to criminal tribunals, but also embrace other solutions(e.g., truth commissions... Göran Sluiter 12 10 1996-10-01 World Human Rights, Law of War, International Courts, Conferences
Scheffer Rates Prospects for the Establishment of an International Permanent Criminal Tribunal Are Positive On September 19, 1996, David J. Scheffer, Senior Advisor and Counsel to Ambassador Madeleine Albright, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, spoke about the growing prospect for the establishment of... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 World, United States International Organizations, International Courts
Canon Law Scholar Convicted of Theft of Rare Manuscripts On August 13, 1996, Anthony Melnikas, a retired art history professor from Ohio State, pleaded guilty to charges against him for smuggling and attempted sale of two 14th-century illuminated leaves... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 United States Theft, Cultural Property
U.S. Government-Private Sector Group Recovers 16 Stolen Vehicles from Thailand During the first week of September 1996, after a yearlong effort by a team of public and private sector groups, Thailand returned 16 vehicles that had been stolen in Southern California and shipped... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 United States, Thailand Theft, Vehicles
The First Tango? The OAS Adopts Plan of Action on Hemispheric Cooperation to Prevent, Combat, and Eliminate Terrorism 1. Introduction -- The Nature of the Threat Terrorism can be defined as the substate application of violence or threatened violence intended to sow panic in a society, to weaken or even overthrow... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 North America, Latin America and South America, Caribbean International Organizations, Terrorism, International Cooperation
The Edinburgh Conference on Transnational & International Crime, May 15-17, 1997 On May 15-17, 1997, the Department of Public International Law and the Europa Institute of the Univ. of Edinburgh will sponsor a conference on the following topics: countering transnational crime;... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 World Human Rights, Conferences, International Crimes
U.S. Will Soon Issue Draft Rules Requiring Reports on Foreign Bank Drafts On September 5, 1996, at a hearing before the House Banking General Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, witnesses discussed steps that will help combat Mexican drug money laundering in the U.S... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 United States Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Drugs & Trafficking, Financial Supervision
Congressional Hearing Focuses on Helicopter Sales and Indicates Directions on U.S. Counter-Narcotics Policy Toward Colombia While Samper Proposes Initiative Against Narco-terrorists On September 11, 1996, at a hearing of the Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, recommendations focused on the need to sell helicopters to Colombia and indicated new... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 United States, Colombia Terrorism, Drugs & Trafficking
U.S. Provides Assistance to Greece in Tax Enforcement During the last week of August 1996, four U.S. agents of the Internal Revenue Service began work as Greek finance ministry consultants with the aim of helping combat tax evasion and corruption in... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 United States, Greece Corruption, Taxation, Tax Crimes
Pacific Tax Authorities Agree to Act on Anti-Tax Haven and Anti-Secrecy Activities to Increase Tax Compliance On September 20, 1996, during the annual meeting of the Pacific Association of Tax Administrators (PATA), held in Vancouver, Canada September 17-18, 1996, conference sources reportedly revealed that... Bruce Zagaris 12 10 1996-10-01 World International Organizations, Jurisdiction, Taxation, Tax Crimes