
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Increased Antinarcotic Efforts Between China and the United States On January 25, 1994, China and the United States signed a memorandum on cooperation to increase joint efforts to fight drug trafficking and illegal immigration. The agreement emphasized intensified... Sharla Leigh Evert 10 3 1994-03-01 United States, China Immigration, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation, Drug Enforcement
Korea-U.S. MOU on Tax Treaty Refers to Korean Concern over Simultaneous Trade and Tax Enforcement On March 3, 1994, the Treasury Department confirmed that it and the Republic of Korea had reached agreement on several tax treaty issues, including a clarification that payments for software... 10 3 1994-03-01 United States, Korea Treaties, Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation
U.S. Treasury and Justice Initiate Assessment of Tax Enforcement Cooperation As part of a U.S. evaluation of tax enforcement under treaties, the U.S. Department of Treasury has started to ask the Department of Justice whether tax treaty partners are cooperating with U.S.... 10 3 1994-03-01 United States Treaties, Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation
Appellate Court Upholds Demjanjuk Fraud Ruling On February 24, 1994, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, sitting en banc (all fifteen together) refused to reconsider its ruling that the U.S. Government committed fraud by... 10 3 1994-03-01 United States, Israel Extradition, War Crimes, Fraud, Sanctions, Evidence Sharing, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings
Swiss Grant U.S. Request to Freeze Bank Accounts in Spy Case On March 11, 1994, the Swiss Government, almost one week after rejecting a request from the U.S. to freeze the bank accounts of Aldrich H. Ames and his wife, Rosario, in connection with the criminal... 10 3 1994-03-01 United States, Switzerland, Russia Money Laundering, Asset Seizure, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings
Int?l Chamber of Commerce?s New Advisory Council for Commercial Crime The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has established an Advisory Council for Commercial Crime to help combat the growing surge of commercial crime, which has quadrupled in the past five years... 10 3 1994-03-01 World Corruption, Fraud, Financial Crimes, Law Enforcement, Extortion
Rules of Procedure and Evidence are Adopted for International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons for War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia On February 11, 1994, the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Former Yugoslavia... Bruce Zagaris 10 3 1994-03-01 Former Yugoslavia United Nations, War Crimes, International Criminal and Comparative Law, Criminal Procedure/Proceedings, International Criminal Tribunal
War Crimes Proceedings Without the Accuse When the Yugoslavia war crimes trials get under way, possibly before the end of 1994, charges will be filed against defendants, whether or not they appear before the court. The international tribunal... Sharla Leigh Evert 10 3 1994-03-01 Former Yugoslavia Extradition, Human Rights, United Nations, Sanctions, International Criminal and Comparative Law, Warrants, International Criminal Tribunal
Foreign Offenders in Custody in Poland: Is Prisoner Transfer Program a Solution? Criminal statistics concerning foreigners are usually a relatively precise indicator and a sensitive barometer of the political and economic situation world-wide, or in a particular region. Changes... Michael Plachta 10 3 1994-03-01 Poland, Eastern Europe Transfer of Prisoners, Treaties
Commercial Crime Bureau?s Report Exposes Prime Bank Instrument Frauds A report published by the Commercial Crime Bureau has exposed a dramatic increase in the number of reports received concerning with frauds connected with investment schemes involving the buying and... 10 3 1994-03-01 World Fraud, Financial Crimes
Bibliography The next Bibliography will appear in the April 1994 issue of the INTERNATIONAL ENFORCEMENT LAW REPORTER. 10 3 1994-03-01 World Bibliography
Conferences Listing of upcoming conferences. 10 3 1994-03-01 World Conferences
CICAD Holds Third Regional Seminar-Workshop on Control of Drug Related Money Laundering On January 18-21, 1994, the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States held the third of its seminar-workshops on the control of drug-related money laundering... 10 3 1994-03-01 Latin America and South America Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation, Drug Enforcement, Law Enforcement
Finland Deposits Ratification to European Convention On March 9, 1994, the Government of Finland deposited its instrument of ratification for the European Laundering Convention. It will enter into force for Finland on July 1, 1994. Finland has not... 10 3 1994-03-01 Finland Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, International Cooperation, Drug Enforcement