
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Multicountry Cooperation Against Prime Bank Fraud Recently an international investigation has resulted in the arrest and prospective extradition of persons involved in a major prime bank fraud scheme involving 6 million on the Salvation Army in the... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Netherlands Money Laundering, Due Diligence, Extradition, Fraud, Financial Crimes
U.S. Congress Passes Law for Antitrust Enforcement Cooperation At the end of the 103rd Congress, the U.S. Congress passed H.R. 4781, entitled the "International Antitrust Enforcement Assistance Act of 1994"...(more) Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States Jurisdiction, Mutual Legal Assistance, Antitrust Cooperation , Securities Trade Enforcement
Jamaica Court Reintroduction of Flogging Sets Stage for New Human Rights Confrontation On August 9, 1994, the Jamaican Supreme Court ordered the reintroduction of whipping when it sentenced a man convicted of wounding with intent, setting the stage for additional litigation of the... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 Jamaica Human Rights, Murder, Capital Punishment
New Panama Government Issues Decree Requiring Lawyers to Know Their Clients On September 19, 1994, the new Panamanian Administration of Ernesto Perez Balladares has issued a decree, requiring all lawyers and law firms who act as Resident Agent of a Panamanian corporation to... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 Panama Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, Mutual Legal Assistance
Monaco Signs Anti-Laundering Accord with France The Government of Monaco has concluded an agreement with the French Government to cooperate in combatting money laundering. Under the agreement Monaco will require its banks, insurance companies and... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States, France, Belgium, Italy, Australia, monaco Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, European Union, Tax Crimes, Banking Supervision
Austrian Extradition Case: Stranger than Fiction Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction. But in the case of Austrian John Henry Abbott Unterweger, an international serial murderer, his fiction was all too real. On June 30, 1994, the man... Jennifer M. Wesley 10 11 1994-11-01 United States, Switzerland, Austria Extradition, Murder, Mutual Legal Assistance, Treaties
Jurisdiction over Colombian Ships on High Seas Litigated in Two Drug Cases Two cases in the United States District Court in Southern Florida have brought into question the efforts of the U.S. Coast Guard to seize foreign-flag vessels on the high seas. Already one case has... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States, Colombia, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico Jurisdiction, Maritime, United Nations, Drugs & Trafficking, International Convention
Protocol to U.S.-Canadian Tax Treaty Indicates Trend to Strengthened Tax Enforcement Cooperation in Tax and Criminal Cooperation Agreements On August 31, 1994, the U.S. and Canadian Governments concluded a protocol to the Tax Treaty, signaling a trend to enhance fiscal enforcement provisions in both tax and criminal cooperation... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 Mexico, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria Taxation, Treaties, Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation, Tax Crimes
U.S. District Court Grants Enforcement of Summons under Mexican TIEA On May 31, 1994, H.W. Head Jr., a U.S. District Court judge for the Southern District of Texas, has ordered the enforcement of a summons issued by the Internal Revenue Service to assist the Mexican... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States, Mexico Administration of Justice, Taxation, Tax Enforcement, Tax Crimes
Hong Kong Court Orders Judicial Assistance to U.S. in Tax Case On March 25, 1994, the Supreme Court of Hong Kong ordered assistance requested in a summons by the Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and the Standard Chartered Bank in the connection with a... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States, Hong Kong Jurisdiction, Taxation, Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation, Tax Crimes
Berlin Conference Results in Declaration for New and Strengthened East-West Cooperation against Nuclear Theft, Drug Trafficking and Illegal Immigration On September 8, 1994, government ministers from West and East Europe signed a declaration in Berlin, pledging new and strengthened forms of criminal cooperation to combat growing international crime... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 Canada, United States, Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco Immigration, European Union, Drugs & Trafficking, Mutual Legal Assistance, Theft
U.S. Crime Control Law Has Many International Provisions On September 13, 1994, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (VCCLEA) of 1994 became law and provides a number of new provisions with significant international criminal implications...(... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States Counterfeiting, Extradition, Terrorism, Capital Punishment, International Convention, Piracy, Deportation, Smuggle
Human Rights NGO Criticizes Albanian Trial of 5 Ethnic Greeks for Espionage In September 1994, the Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights released a report (hereinafter "Trial Observation Report" or "TOR"), criticizing the trial during August 15-24, 1994 and thereafter the... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States, Greece, Albania Administration of Justice, Human Rights, International Convention
Ashby Commission Convened in Aftermath of Trinidad Execution On August 21, 1994, a commission of inquiry opened into the legality of the execution of convicted murderer Glen Ashby in the early hours of July 14, 1994 in Trinidad & Tobago. The organizers,... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom Human Rights, International Organizations, United Nations, Capital Punishment, International Convention
ILA Adopts Resolution on Extradition and Human Rights At the Buenos Aires Conference on August 14-20, 1994, the International Committee of the International Law Association adopted a resolution on extradition and human rights. In addition to adopting... Bruce Zagaris 10 11 1994-11-01 United States, Africa, South Africa, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, United Kingdom Extradition, Human Rights, Treaties, International Cooperation, International Convention