
E.g., 2025-02
Title Abstract Author Volume Issue Date Publishedsort ascending Geographic Identifier Subject Areas
Cuba and the U.S. Reach Accord on Migration Enforcement On September 9, 1994, after seven days of talks in New York City, the Cuban and the U.S. Governments reached a narrow agreement on migration enforcement. Under the agreement the U.S. will take at... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 United States, Cuba, Panama Economic Sanctions, Human Rights, Immigration, Teaching, Research, Adjective Assistance
Money Laundering Suppression Act Will Make Foreign Checks, Drafts, Notes, Money Orders and Other Instruments Subject to Reporting Unless Foreign Jurisdictions Have Proper Anti-Laundering Laws A new money laundering law, referred to as the "Money Laundering Suppression Act of 1994," has almost been enacted as part of the Community Development Banking Act by the U.S. Congress. It has... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Canada, United States, Mexico Money Laundering, Bank Secrecy, Smuggle, Banking Supervision
U.N. Crime Investigations Hampered by Lack of Resources A severe shortage of resources has restricted the efforts of the United Nations to monitor human rights abuses in Rwanda and collect evidence on humanitarian and related law of war violations. The... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Rwanda, Former Yugoslavia, tanzania, Zaire Human Rights, Law of War, United Nations, War Crimes, International Courts
Canadian Police Penetrate Organize Crime Drug Ring On August 30, 1994, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police realized some of the initial fruits of its infiltration of two large drug-related money laundering networks involving millions of dollars of... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Canada, Jamaica, Colombia, Italy, Philippines Money Laundering, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement
Hungarian Officials Arrest Two Persons on Involvement with Trafficking in Nuclear Materials On August 30, 1994, the Hungarian police reported that they arrested two Hungarian nationals for trying to sell 2kg of radioactive material, believed to be uranium fuel rods from the former Soviet... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Germany, Russia, Hungary, Former Soviet Union Intelligence, European Union, Arms Trafficking, Smuggle, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Brazilian Police Bust Organized Crime Cocaine Ring On September 9, 1994, Brazilian police arrested Alex Suyanoff, 37 years old and a naturalized American, and announced other arrests and information, revealing successes in penetrating an organized... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 United States, Brazil, Nigeria, Ghana, Denmark Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement
Thai Government Arrest Iranian In Bomb Attack and Intensify Exchange of Anti-Terrorism Intelligence The conclusion of a five-month investigation of an attempted truck bombing resulted in criminal charges brought against a suspected Iranian and the release of two other Iranians for lack of evidence... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Iran, Israel, Argentina, Thailand Intelligence, Terrorism, Murder, European Union, Drugs & Trafficking, Organized Crime, Theft
Mexico Increases Transfer Pricing Method Audits and Increases Tax Enforcement Cooperation with U.S. The Government of Mexico has taken steps to increase its audits of international transfer pricing while it has extended its tax information exchange cooperation with the U.S. and is discussing... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Canada, United States, Mexico Taxation, Treaties, Tax Enforcement, International Cooperation, Tax Crimes
Caldera Tries to Give Regional Anti-Corruption Effort a Push During the meeting on September 7-11, 1994, of the heads of government meeting of the Group of Rio which consists of the countries of the Organization of American States, Venezuelan President Rafael... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 United States, Brazil, Venezuela Corruption, International Organizations, Drugs & Trafficking, Fraud
Austrian Activist Lured into and Arrested in Italy for Alleged Terrorism Activities On August 14, 1994, Austrian Karola Unterkirchner, who had been convicted and sentenced in absentia to 12 years imprisonment in Bolzano, Italy for alleged participation in a series of attacks carried... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Italy, Austria Extradition, Jurisdiction, Terrorism
Bibliography of Books, Articles and Documents Books 1. Adjective Assistance André Huet and Renée Koreing-Joulin, DROIT PÉNAL INTERNATIONAL (International Criminal Law) (439 pp. 1994 Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 158 ff.) (This is a... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 World Bibliography
Norway Agrees to Extradite Iranian Hijackers to Russia On August 23, 1994, the Ministry of Justice of Norway agreed to extradite to Russia three Iranian nationals who hijacked an Aeroflot airliner to Oslo last year following a decision by the Norwegian... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 United States, Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Former Soviet Union Extradition, Human Rights, Terrorism
Quebec Appellate Court Refuses U.S. Extradition Request Because Mandatory Sentence Violates Human Rights On August 25, 1994, the Quebec Court of Appeals held that the Canadian Government could not grant an extradition request by the U.S. Government because extradition in the circumstances contemplated... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Canada, United States Extradition, Human Rights, Drugs & Trafficking
Turkish Extradition Request to France Raises Issues On September 12, 1994, the Turkish Government requested the extradition of Dursan Karatas, the head of the left-wing urban terrorist organization, Dev-Sol. The request raises various issues of... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey Extradition, Human Rights, Terrorism, Murder
Canadian Supreme Court Decides Against Hearing Walker Appeal of Tort Suit against U.S. Government On August 25, 1994, the Supreme Court of Canada decided that it would not hear an appeal by Kenneth Walker of Richmond Hill, a Toronto suburb, against an appellate court decision reversing a lower-... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Canada, United States, Chile, Bahamas, Ecuador Immunity, Jurisdiction, Fraud, Customs, Conspiracy
XVth Congress of International Penal Law Association Adopts Resolutions During September 5-10, 1994, the XVth Congress of the International Penal Law Association debated and passed resolutions on four principal and one newly added resolutions. More than 1,012... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 World, Tunisia Environment, Human Rights, International Organizations, United Nations, Mutual Legal Assistance, International Courts, Computer Crimes
26 Countries Sign Declaration Promising Enhanced Criminal Cooperation against New Transnational Crimes On September 8, 1994 twenty-six countries at a meeting in Berlin of the Interior and Justice ministers signed a declaration, promising to assess the potential threat of nuclear smuggling, cooperate... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Europe, Germany Immigration, Drugs & Trafficking, Mutual Legal Assistance, Smuggle, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Highway Robberies of Truck Shipments into Mexico Grow and Cause Adjustments by Truck Companies An outbreak of highway theft is effecting truck shipments of toys and other consumer durables from the U.S., causing an assessment of this growing lawlessness and new prevention efforts...(more) Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 United States, Mexico Intelligence, Robbery, Theft, Vehicles
Regional Meeting on Phantom Ships and Piracy On July 19-20, 1994, the Second Regional Meeting on Piracy was held in Kuala Lumpur and focused on a spate of attacks in the general area identified variously as the Singapore Strait or Malacca... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 Singapore, Panama, Philippines, Honduras, Malaysia International Organizations, Jurisdiction, Maritime, Robbery, Piracy
U.S. Government Advocates International Tribunal to Try Alleged Genocide by Khmer Rouge in Cambodia On August 23, 1994, a Bangkok newspaper discussed efforts by the United States Government to establish an internal tribunal to try the Khmer Rouge for the massacre of more than 1 million people... Bruce Zagaris 10 10 1994-10-01 United States, France, United Kingdom, Cambodia, Vietnam Human Rights, United Nations, Genocide, International Courts
